3-D quilling (Post 18)

Regular readers will know that I make a lot of quilled cards, especially name boards. You can view  them HERE.

Over the last two days, I have been trying something new. 3-D quilling!

I made a quilled angel.

You can see the front and back views. This angel is made up only of paper strips!

This picture here on the left gives you an idea of the size.

I somehow am now in love with the 3-D miniature quilling. I have been reading up about it and am astounded by the creative possibilities.

I tried my hand and I madea tiny flower pot with roses.

Whenever I discover something new, I am at it, like an obsessed person for a few days :) In fact, Satish will vouch that I am an obsessed person :)

Obsession, when directed well is good. It makes you achieve things. Keeps that adrenalin pumped.

I have made one more thing ( a man with a hat--I have named him Ivan) which has turned out really well. I have glued it and left it to dry. I shall upload a picture once the whole project is complete. (I intend making a family)

I  also intend making some more angels :-)

I sometimes toy with the idea of conducting a workshop just to teach all this--to help people discover the joy of creating something just from paper strips.

Perhaps I will--sometime!

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  1. So creative and beautiful. Just like pooja's 3d quilled gift. Would love to see your other creations:) the flower pot looks like a machine made toy pot-I mean perfect in shape.

  2. Good work Preeti..


  3. Lovely!!



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