Memories and dreams

Where do dreams go when they die?
Do they have special place to hide?
So they can appear sometimes, to live out their glory?
Or are they stilled forever?
Where do memories go when they don’t die?
Do they live in the heads of people?
Or are they, trapped in boxes so deep, never to emerge?
Are they squished as soon as they rear their once pretty heads?
What happens to relationships when they curdle?
Are they dumped like memories and dreams?
Do the people in them ache and yearn for the happiness that once was?
Or is that killed too?
Perhaps they make new memories, new dreams
And pretend to revel in them till they die
Ignoring the plaintive ghost-cries of the old
Seeking a ‘happily ever after’
Not realising that it exists only in foolishly hopeful minds.

 © 2013 Preeti Shenoy

For more poems click here. Some poems have already appeared in print. Kindly do not reproduce without permission.
photo credit: h.koppdelaney via photopin cc

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  1. Awesome and lively

  2. Thanks so much Gautham. I thought it was rather dark and intense.

  3. :( I have the gifts packed in a box. Once a while, I'd open it up and go back in time. All ended but the memories.

  4. Hopeful minds aren't foolish. and happily ever after do exist! :)
    learnt that from "Tea for two and a piece of cake"
    P.S.- I do like the poem. :)

  5. Woww.... (I can say this much only)

  6. One night, I suddenly got awake from a bad dream and found something near to me... It was U, U made me calm and relaxed, and I again went to sleep, holding thy hands, holding thy arms. Than I realized the next morning that with such strong support, I don’t mind sleeping forever.

    Dreams- fantastic.

    I really like the poem..I appreciate your writing skills

  7. Awesome poem..........good poetry skills

  8. Anonymous2:42 PM

    If there is an option to like, i would have done that.. Its nice... :-)

  9. Anonymous3:26 PM

    nice poem.. and would like to give an extra appreciation for the pic...

  10. This is lovely! Introspective, thoughtful, deep and something that made me think and gave me a blog post idea too :P

    You know the best thing about reading is that it shows you how stories are usually not happy ends. Maybe they're not perfect, but people learn to live with those. There's always "hope" for something that would satisfy them. I wonder what we stand for, what all the relations and hopes mean. Is it really worth all the effort?

    Oh see, your post is making me think so much! I'll stop before I write an essay! :P

  11. So thoughtful. Made up beautifully. I agree with people giving up memories, relations or wishes that are not feasible n moving on with other wishes. It makes life easier. My opinion is that, there is nothing wrong in pretending that certain things, which have very meagre chance of coming true, don't exist. Though we pretend, nothing dies -- not the memories, not the dreams, nothing, as long as we get reminded of them at the slightest possible chance, like a piece of music, which re kindles what existed.

  12. Lovely. Grass is always greener on the other side. Lookign to make happy memories from new things than what is with us.
    There are many dimensions to the words you penned down.

  13. Even I have the same questions in my mind! You have expressed it very well Preeti! Loved Your "Life is what you make it"

  14. Awesome .. So true..

  15. your poem is so true...loved it even though its quite painful and depressing...but i guess that is life a series of sad thoughts punctuated by a few good moments here and there that turn into memories..the only thing that ultimately keeps us going.....

  16. Very Nice Post :)

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  17. Really Mam this is one of the best blog....the post is really wonderful,its like every truth of life is written in this writing...every single truth of life...these are the questions which remains unanswered in life.

  18. really nice...
    keep going :)

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.


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