This is how I welcome the new year

 Happy happy happy new year folks!!! As I type this, I can hear loud party noises and fire crackers all around.
I dislike parties. I prefer being in a quiet atmosphere with my loved ones, doing something meaningful together.
We always light the lamp at midnight. It's a family tradition. You can see the lamp in the first picture, and my altar, illuminated by the brightness of the lamp in the second.

We thank the universe for ALL the blessings bestowed upon us.
And we welcome the new year with prayers and gratitude.

With this I come to the end of my blog marathon. 31 days, and I have given you all 31 posts!
Leave me comments. I love to hear from you.

 Happy New Year once again. May all your dreams come true.


  1. Happy new year ma'am. It was lovely to follow your blog marathon this time too. I will go to amabalam in morning to seek blessings, will also pray for your success , health and happiness. Lots of love❤❤

  2. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Happy new year ma'am, it was truly a great experience to read your blog everyday, didn't even realized when it became my natural habit to read, everyday i used to wait for your blog post, finally learnt a lot of things in 2018, i will pray for your great success and happy life, happy new year ma'am.

  3. Happy Happy new year.....😊

  4. A very happy new year Mam. And thank you so much for the blog marathon. It was always something to look forward to.

  5. Happy New Year Akka.Oohh...didnt realise its going to be the end of your blog marathon.As always loved it and my insatiable appetite for your blog posts remain.
    Love,respect n lots of luck to you.
    PS:Those flames in the pic remind me of mutachan and a hundred flames in the temple.

  6. Hi Ma'am, missing your blog marathon post today, 31 days had got habituated to read your blog everyday without fail, missing your posts. They say to form a habit we need 21days and that has come true in my case. Hope to see your blog posts soon.

  7. Preeti - I visited your blog after a long time - this short post helped me so much though. I was feeling depressed as I was browsing Facebook yesterday and seems everyone other than our family was at some party or the other. We chose to have a quiet reflective evening at home, just the 4 of us. I don't get the FOMO (fear of missing out) feeling often but I admit I got it yesterday. And just by reading this simple post of yours - its gone!! Wishing all of you a very happy new year 2019 - may you be healthy, fit and blessed all year long!

  8. Happy New Year to you and your family Preeti! I happened to see this post a few minutes after you had posted it. It is so nice to see the Velakka all lit up as the year changes to 2019. My best wishes to you and your family for a happy and prosperous year ahead! I was a part of the Blog Marathon and felt so happy to reply to your posts. Congratulations. Looking forward to many many more!


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