Daughters are so special. Post 3

 Hello dear friend :)

This is my third post in this blog marathon. Those of you who are  here because of my Instagram post do hit subscribe that you see on top of this page, and you will receive my posts in your inbox.

Writing this like a letter, feels very nice. It is as though I am pulling up a chair, sitting down in front of you and having a chat with you. I read all your comments in my last two posts, and I have replied too! I think that is the nice part about blogging--that we can connect one-on-one, through our words.

A picture of my daughter and me, in Singapore.

Today, I went out with my daughter, and we had an amazing time.When she and I go out, I always drive my car and she plays her choice of music. It's a girls trip, and we cherish this time that we spend together. (you can see stories of our day on my Instagram handle)

I come from a family and background, where women never worked or drove a car. My mother has never worked, neither had my grandmother nor had my great-grandmother. None of my aunts-- either on my mother's side or my father's side---are employed. None of them can drive. I am the in the first  generation of women in my family to work and earn and drive. My background is very humble and  very middle class. I was educated in Government schools (Kendriya Vidyalayas).

My father taught me to drive in an Ambassador car when  I was sixteen! I love to drive, and have now been driving for over three decades. I have never had an accident. Touchwood.

Today, as we were driving back, I asked my daughter 'How does it feel to have a mother who drives a car?'
She said 'I guess I am used to it. I have always seen you drive!'

When I was growing up, I did not have any woman role model. I knew that I wanted to be financially independent and I also knew that I did not want the life that my mother and my aunts led.

Today I am happy, that my daughter  grows up seeing a very different scenario from what I did. I am happy to be where I am today. It hasn't come easy! I have worked hard for it.

I always tell people 'If you can dream it, you can achieve it.' I believe greatly in hard work, and the power of manifestation through positive thinking.

Work hard. Believe in your dreams.
And in case they do not come true, trust me, the universe has a different path--an even better path for you!

Another post tomorrow.
Leave me a comment, so I know I am not talking to myself, and that you are in the chair opposite me :)

ps: If you like this post you might like my books: http://preeti.io/amazon


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Definitely am here mam..
    Sitting in the opposite chair!!
    U and your daughter looks like friends only.. after reading i understood, its not only in looks. U are like that only..
    Learned to drive a car at the age of 16 is something great mam, but half appreciation goes to ua dad 😉
    Not only you r a good writer but also a good mother too.. a role model to every mothers.. or for those who think like, girls can't drive like men. U could have post 1 more pic ,sitting in the drivin seat or pic of that ambassador car( if u have)
    Thanks you..
    With love

    1. Haha! Thanks Santhanraj. Yes, my father indeed played a big role in shaping me to be the person I am. I dont have any photos from that period. Camera film rolls were expensive and saved only for vacations and things like that. There was no digital photography back then like it exists now.
      Where are you based and what do you do?

    2. Actually am from Kozhikode , Kerala. presently working in Vijaya bank, Mangalore.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Daughters are special that's very true mam. We are four daughters to our parents with no brothers. Neither my father nor on my mother's side any lady or women has ever worked or driven a car. My father has four elder sisters and my mom had five sisters and three brothers. We sisters are very grateful to our parents for breaking this rule and giving us the best education in convent school and treating us at par with males in our entire family. With god's blessings and parents hard dedication and efforts we sisters have excelled and are financially independent and well placed. One is a engineer one doctor me (third one) a lawyer and youngest one is a doctor's too. We feel proud and all the credit goes to my dad and mom. They have treated us in a very special manner. Belonging to Bihar where daughters are not treated at par with brothers my dad broke the rule and let us live our life the way we wanted. He always encouraged our studies and career that we chose. Infact I am the first lawyer in my entire family and my sister's the first doctors in our family. The only sad part is that we lost our mom at the time when she was supposed to reap the benefits of her dedication. She died when I started earning. When I thought now I can fulfill my mom's desires and pamper her take her out for shopping spend great time with her...she made her transition. However, I am grateful we have the blessings of my dad and we sisters take extra care that we don't wait for the right time but just do what we want to do for our dad when we want to do. Daughters are really special and share a great bond with moms. Since I am the third daughter so I wasn't so close to mom as against my eldest sister. For her mom was her best friend.

    1. Very nice to know your story Shally. I understand the pain of your mother not being there to share your triumphs. That will be a void which will always be there, for any happy memory you create.
      Where are you based right now? Do you practice law?
      Thank you for leaving a comment and sharing your story.

    2. As I had mentioned you earlier before, I have shifted to Germany. I a corporate lawyer with an Infosys. I so want to meet you in person..some day definitely..I also got a big fan medal from Facebook for being one of your big fans. I am very eager to meet you whenever I m back in India in bangalore. Looking forward for your today's read.

  5. It is really a pleasure to read what you write. We do enjoy and feeling excited after reading your lines which reflect full of energy and enthusiasm. You are a confident woman and that is very much visible in all your write-ups. Do write more to motivate people like what to read, what to watch on the internet and on YouTube, etc. Also, love to hear the story that what made you a successful writer. Keep on writing. All d best.

    1. Hi Sunil.
      I have shared my story of becoming a writer. Do check out the archives on the right. It has been posted a few posts before this one! Thanks for reading!

  6. Daughters are special and to daughter her parents, especially her mother is the best safety cushion she can have. To me my mother has always been a friend...I can share anything under the sky with her. At one point in college days, my friends had stopped telling me secrets because they knew I would share it with my mother. Now after years have passed by, they are as closely connected to my mom as they are to me!!!

    1. hahaha..That's so wonderful! I would hide everything from my mom when I was in college :)

  7. I am so sure I am going to be a father to a daughter.
    But, then my wife was like "What if it's a boy?"
    Me: "Well, I would love him with all my might. Still, let's keep trying."
    (Drops everything and runs for cover).

    1. Hahaha..Wishing you the very very best.
      Daughters are daughters all their life.
      Sons are sons, till they get a wife! :D

  8. Hi Preeti,

    I can relate to your post immensely as I have just become a first time Mom to a beautiful daughter. Your small, yet heartfelt post has inspired me to learn driving - something which has been on my to do list for eon years. I am on my maternity break right now and I am determined to learn driving before I go back to work. Thanks for sharing your story. Keep writing, keep inspiring!

    PS: I've read all your books (including The Rule Breakers) and have loved them!

    1. Hearty congrats on your new arrival :) What have yu named your daughter?
      Sorry , I missed replying to your comment earlier. It was an oversight, now amended! <3

  9. You are always an inspiration dear preeti :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. My mother would definitely agree with the title! #WomenPower

  12. Where I am with my daughters, I feel like I am just pulling my hair out trying to run everything together. But, having said that, I also know that when we do step out, just us girls on a weekend, we really do enjoy ourselves! We have so much chatter, shopping, walking and I really look forward to them grown up!

    1. You have two daughters now?! :) Lovely :)

    2. Yes, now its 2 daughters!

  13. When I look at the photo of you and Purvi, it reminds me of my Mom and me. We are more like friends. It is always nice to have your Mom as your best friend. You can share so many things. My mom and I go shopping, out to eat, watch DVDs of our favorite show FRIENDS. It is so nice to know that you are the only woman in your family to work and drive. Not only are you a role model for your family and friends, but also to all your readers. This post made me feel as if we are sitting at the same table and drinking a cup of coffee. Thank you for this lovely post! Have a good day, Preeti!

    1. Hi prathima,
      Very glad you have such a relationship with your mother :)
      My daughter and I aren't best friends or anything. We're close, yes.
      My mother was never my best friend too.

      Also just to clarify--many of my cousins work and drive. What I meant is the first generation of women in my family. Glad your comment made me realise that. Corrected it now :)

  14. when i look the photo of you and your daughter, i feel jealous. because i don't have photo like that with my mom. basically i am from a village where a woman cannot laugh, study and use mobile phones. so my mom is not so much adapted to this android world. she is a farmer so the whole day she used to spend the time in farm. last year i bought my first android but i couldn't take picture with my mom. she is very bold woman. i love my mom and she is my best friend. now she made her daughter to study and she is feeling proud also. she is a role model for best mother in my village too.

    1. Hi--please don't feel jealous! I don't have a photo like this with my mom too :) You are fortunate to have her love and blessings. Very happy to hear about your mom. God bless.

  15. Hi ma’am
    I am also a mother of two boys and am independent just like you . In this era , every woman has to be independent and serve as a role model to her children. In those days , we used to wait for our fathers to be back home to take us out or yet get us something. But now the scenario has changed ...there is a huge transition in womanhood..

    1. Absolutely and it is so liberating, isn't it?

  16. Anonymous6:29 PM

    i hope mam you will remember me i met you in a book launch in chennai it really feel so great that you achieved so many things and inspired so many people in this world, you are my true role model and will always be. when i read your novel for the first time i felt like it is happening in reality and i started feeling the character and thats the magic of your novels so keep writing and keep inspiring, hereby i have one request i am going to publish a book entitled twist the tales, tales of most inspiring people i want your personel interview in this if you can mam i am just in class 11th but what inspires me is you the spirit of living the passion and making dreams into reality, here is one poem written by me dedicated to you
    The beauty around us, still we are not seeing
    The silence around us, still we are not feeling ,’
    We are so busy in our own world with endless problems,
    Where gone our true nature, care and love for others,
    Why we feel only our pain, healing others pain is what we call humanity.
    It is lost somewhere hiding in some corner, like a book with dust still untouched.
    i find the beauty in that old women, who gives bread to street dogs, I see beauty in that girl who makes food for her mother when she is ill.
    But we are so busy, living inside same walls.
    For us life is boring, yet we are deprived of seeing beauty around us.
    I find beauty in those caring people who smile at me even when they are running for their work.
    I find beauty in that lady who waters the flowers near the road with a smile on her face.
    I find beauty in nature around us, which always intends to give us.
    Still we are so busy, and see beauty only on movie stars and the riches,
    I see beauty in that old lady who is homeless, buys a blanket for whole family, by sacrificing his own needs.
    For me heroes are those simple people who live their life beautifully without any expectation.
    I see beauty in a guy who collects garbage everyday and beer bottles, because it might hurt, you know.
    Why we have become so blind, and ignorance is touching the height,’
    The beauty is around us, yes indeed there are many bad things as well, but even a simple smile and a positive character can make our life beautiful, because beauty lies inside us.

    1. Thank you abhinav for the poem! I don't do personal interviews like this. The reason is I get many many requests from students. It would be very unfair to say yes to one and no to another. And If I answer all of them, I would have no time left for my own writing! :)

    2. Anonymous9:26 PM

      yes mam agree with you, thanks for reply mam

    3. Anonymous9:28 PM

      i hope you liked my poem!

  17. I had a tough period with my mom during my teenage as she was bit strict. I was just unable to share my thoughts. I realized my bonding with her when I moved to different city to pursue my higher studies. Now the relationship is like role reversed. She is such a sweetheart and very very innocent.

  18. Loved your interactive style of writing which connects the readers instantly. Mother - Daughter relationship is the most amazing relationship that grows with years and keeps transforming. Daughters are first a child, then a friend, guide to their mothers. Finally, a stage comes when daughters care for their mothers swapping their roles.

    1. Anonymous9:34 PM

      This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Daughters are the best. I too have a daughter who is so caring.

  20. Hats off to you,Preeti..your daughter must be proud of you !!👏👏

  21. Daughters are definitely special, I have a friend who says a son is a son till he gets a wife and a daughter is a daughter all her life.
    I miss having one though.

  22. You are such an inspiration mam

  23. I also have a daughter. She is just 2 years old. I hope, I can be her best friend. You inspire me to learn driving and be independent. I was always lazy to get out of my comfort zone, your works make me think differently. Keep inspiring us!

  24. The Real Rule Breaker :) Wishes from my heart for her well being. May the mother daughter duo turn young each day with more experiences and sunrises to share!


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