The people we meet. (blog marathon post 12)

Each  person we meet and  spend time with is a criss-crossing  paths---that of their life journey with ours. The foot prints they leave, we carry around in our hearts, knowingly or unknowingly, sometimes as a memory, sometimes as a personality trait and at times as a part of ourselves, often embedded so deeply,  a perfectly blended intrinsic part of us, we don’t even realise it is not our own.

A match of mental wave-lengths and the mental-connect you establish is hard to find. You may like one aspect of someone's personality, but may be totally incompatible in other areas. I have met people, with whom the conversation dries out in a matter of seconds and then I have people with whom I can speak for 101 nights and  101 days and still have topics to speak about.

 And then there are people who walk away. They go out of our lives, so that someone else, who has something for you, can take their place. If you have been closely attached to them, the pain as they peel away can be lacerating.

From each of the terrible relatioships/friendships that broke, we have learnt and we have grown. We have emerged better people because of it.

And sometimes, people act in insane ways,. All for  crazy funny thing called Love.
In the end, that is all what counts. If you have it, hold on to it, believe in it and keep the faith—it is all going to be okay.

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  1. every person wid whom we meet, do leave their mark in our life... it can b bitter,or can b sweet.. we try to linger wid d sweet memories!

  2. Meeting someone new is something I look forward to all the time. It helps me get to know someone and also makes me a better and more understanding person. There are so many people who have come into my life and have left a mark back which will never get erased. What's better is when we are still in touch with these people even if we don't meet/speak often. That's the beauty of relationships.


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