A note from Auroville. (blog marathon post 25)

So my vacation in the beautiful, mesmerizing, quaint Pondicherry comes to an end today. (sob sob)
The worst thing about vacations is that they come to an end.

I went to the Auroville Botanical Centre today.

It was a lovely place---so green, serene and tranquil. I loved their collection of plants and how they have done up the entire place.

Auroville is a city based on the vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The energy that this place exudes has to be experienced to be believed. The way they have utilized the local resources, blended into the community and made it a meaningful community that has worked not only towards living in harmony but also developed the economy and contributed to the growth of the Nation, with prosperity, peace and health for all, is something very commendable and admirable. Though I have been to Auroville many times, I never get bored or tired of it.

If you have never visited it, do plan a trip.

I have to leave soon and hence I sign off.
This completes day 25 of my blog marathon.

G'nite folks.
Will blog again from bangalore tomorrow.

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  1. seems an interesting i will go there definetly whenever i got the chance......gud nyt mam

  2. felt like sending this to you preeti


  3. Please do a 100 day marathon as i love to read a post every sigle day

  4. I would love to visit this place!!


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