Friendship day and friendship day bands! Blog marathon post 7

Many people dismiss friendship day as a gimmick by the card making companies, to promote their products. And many say that they do not need a special day to assert their friendship. But the origin of this day dates back to 1935, in the U.S when the U.S State Congress declared the first Sunday of August as a 'National friendship Day'.  Later many countries adapted it.

This is one day that I like to celebrate. I don't think it is silly to tie friendships bands on your good friends. It is simply a way of affirming 'Yes, you matter to me and I shall be there for you.' These are words which we don't often speak. But tying a friendship band says all of it, and more, without words.

My best friend sent me this visual today:

She also told me that no matter what, she will always be there for me. It made me feel wonderful. Had we been in the same city, I definitely would have visited her and tied a friendship band around her wrist.
For now, we had to be content with electronic messages.

That's the thing about friendship bands---they are real. Not virtual. You have to actually take the trouble of getting a band, visiting someone, and then tie it on their hand.
So darn different from just uploading a visual on Facebook and tagging 50 people, wishing them a 'happy friendship day'. To me, that is meaningless.

What counts are the real bands, real meetings, face to face talks over a cup of tea, a warm hug and time spent together. The right friendships can open many doors. It can be motivating, encouraging, supporting and help us to grow in ways we never thought possible.
The wrong friends can get you down, demoralise you and put you on a path to slow self-destruction.
We are the average of the five people we spend most time with---and hence we have to choose them with care.

Nothing can replace the warmth of genuine friendship and  the feeling of being loved by a friend.
Fortunately I am blessed with some great ones!

And here is wishing each and everyone who is reading this a very happy friendship day!
Hope you all have had a wonderful time with your friends.

Happy friendship day folks!


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  1. Happy Friendship Day to you Preeti

  2. So am I .. blessed with some good friends :-) (Touchwood !)

  3. So am I .. blessed with some good friends :-) (Touchwood !)

  4. hi mam.... Nice one..... its just t way people think i guess....

  5. Did exactly the same,I met all my best friends and they presented me a large greeting card,I am extremely happy and this post uplifted and added more happiness.Thank you Ma'am.

  6. Lovely....i too had a wonderful experience 7 month old baby's had was full of friendship bands...n i was speechless as all kids from our neighborhood had come to wish him

  7. I missed my friends as they are far apart . But we wished through phone . life is worth having true friends. Happy Friendship day to u :)

  8. Wonderful blog and happy friendship day to you...:)

  9. Happy Friendship Day to you Preeti. Loved reading this blog. Friendship Day is important to me because I have so many friends who have made a difference in my life. It's always nice to thank them and let them know that they are important and special.

  10. Through this comment I don't want to hurt anyone's feeling but I don't think in this selfish world you can befriend someone such easily. I mean here almost all are selfish. They won't care a damn about you when their work gets over. :(
    (Not everyone, but almost all)


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