10 last things.(blog marathon post 15)

Every evening, we have a little ritual. I light the brass lamp that hangs from the roof in front of the altar, and then as I ring a small bell, lighting incense and sometimes camphor, I move it circles around the deity--in other words, perform an 'aarati'. Then my children and I sit down and say the prayers, which consist of several sanskrit shlokas. After that we annoit our foreheads with  sandal paste or  'Vibhuti' or 'Bhasmam' (holy ash).

Today as I was lighting the lamp, my daughter asked if she could ask me a question. I expected the question to be a simple thing like whether she could watch TV. Instead she said " Mom, I don't want it  to happen  ever, but a thought struck me. if you were to die in the next three days, what 10 things would you do?"

The question took me by complete surprise. I asked her why she had asked that and she said she doesn't know.

So I told her that it was an excellent question, and I would write a blog post on it.
In her typical way, she said "But you have to give me credit." I told her I would.

So to keep my promise to her, here are ten things I would do, if I were to die in the next three days.

1. Write a will. I would do it immediately. I am very practical that way.
2. Write a long long hand-written letter to Satish and my two children. I would recall our happiest memories and all that they mean to me, and how much I value them. I would also tell them to not weep for me when I am gone, and to cherish instead the warmth of our love. I would tell them to enjoy each and every day, because life is so unpredicatble.
3. I would repeat the same exercise as above for my closest friends. I would then ask satish to post the letters only when I am gone.
4. I would send an e-mail to Satish with the password of my e-mail accounts, my Facebook page and every other page online. (He already knows them, but he may not remember, hence the mail). He can close them if something were to happen to me.
5.I would take a ten million photos with my family and closest friends. I would dress up well in each photo and look gorgeous :)
6. I would quickly watch the movies that i have been meaning to watch. (yes I would! Once I die, I might miss it :) )
7.I will ask everyone who means something to me, to come home and I would hug them tight and tell them that I love them very much. The reason I would do this is that time would be wasted if I trvael to where they lived.
8.I will make my children promise me that they will be around Lostris (my doberman) after I am gone. She would never understand. (The thought of Hachiko breaks my heart)
9. I will definitely write a book in a day. I would write and write and write and write and write. The book is sure to be a best-seller as it would be the last book written, knowing i was going to die.
10.I would after all the above, feel a sense of peace. I would probably drink a lot, go dancing and then say a final good-bye smiling.

Buy my latest book at a whopping discount  http://www.preetishenoy.com/books/the-one-you-cannot-have/buy-now/


  1. only 15 posts left.. feeling sad..

    1. Seetha--think of the enormous strain it is on me, to produce a new post every single day, despite having so many other commitments! But, hey--thanks! Feels wonderful to know that you love to read what I write! :)

  2. really Seetha, I wish she does a yearly marathon.. Really a very heart touching post Preeti...

    1. Thank you Julian! Do see my reply to Seetha above!

  3. Your last 10 things are quite interesting! May a writer and a person like you live for hundred years spreading love and happiness to the world. Regards, Niveditha

  4. Really nice post Preethi, whenever I feel low your blogs have really helped , encouraged me to be positive in life and always makes me smile.Thank you so much for it.

    1. Thank you for the kind words Bhakti!

  5. this one is the best blog. it shows u r really kind hearted nd a pure soul. the love for ur family nd the readers is immense.. bt it touched my heart nd I nvr want such an icon to leave this world so soon!! god bless u!

    1. You have been truly encouraging and kind. Thanks a ton.

  6. hello preeti really interesting post. Your every post inspires me to live life in new way when i read your books i feel proud for you.Your thought of sharing feeling to loved one is really heat touching thanks for sharing keep writing :)

  7. Really touched by the post! You also made me think what I would've done if met with a similar situation. Stay pure hearted as always and keep those wishes for later. You're gonna be with us for quite longer. God bless! Keep writing and keep smiling! :)

    1. Thanks so much for the warm words and kind wishes Siji. :)

  8. Oh this made me cry.awesome write.one more thing I paused for a while and thought a whole lot about it

    1. Oh--am so sorry. never meant to make anyone cry. Glad it made you think though. The question did make me think too.

  9. its so hard if it happens to someone..Life is so unpredictable!! I was so touched by the post.. I love reading ur blogs.. Keep spreading the love as this love virus will make the world more beautiful... Amen

  10. This post is really a heart touching as well as make me to think what i will do if i got 3 days of time. . The words of yours fill tears and make me feel sad. . as my wish would be the prayer to god to bless all the good hearted people like you to live long .. I am a fan following of your blog since last month. . read all blogs daily like addicted to something. . your blog inspires a lot and made me feel good about myself when i was down. and had good confidence . Thankyou.Keep blogging..

  11. It Touched my Heart....May you live long long years.......

  12. A very heartwarming post Preeti. Hats off to you for the blog marathon. We the readers applaud you for doing an awesome job.

  13. the 4th point made me lough! :-D


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