Five myths about happiness (blog marathon post post 21)

When I was a little girl, I thought about what to pray for. I decided that high on my list were health and happiness, for me as well as my loved ones. That was all I wanted---to be happy.
As an adult, I think that is what most of us want to too--happiness. How do we achieve that? What beliefs do we hold that limit us from being happy?

Here are top 5 myths about happiness.

1. To be happy, everything has to be perfect: Many believe that to be truly happy, every thing has to be perfect. But this rarely happens in real life. When you find the perfect woman of your dreams, she is older, married or already has a boy-friend. When you find the perfect job, the location is not what you desired. Rarely will you find something that is so perfect and has tick-marks in all departments. And even if it does, it is usually transient. If you wait for everything to be perfect, you will never be happy.
2.  I will be so happy if : If you depend on external factors that are beyond your control for your happiness, you are going to be forever chasing a chimera. There are so many factors beyond our control and you cannot influence the outcome of anything--merely hope for it. If you lower your expectations about outcome, the chances at happiness becomes higher.

3.Career success make you happy : Career success might make you happy but that would only be temporary. Once you achieve that milestone, you are running for the next one and the next promotion and then the corner office. You slog, you work hard. Someone else gets the promotion. End of happiness. Sometimes you do. What next? The corner office. Then? MD of the company. After that what? When are you going to be truly happy?  Get my drift?

4. I will be happy when I find The One: Studies show that Wedded bliss comes with a shelf-life. It is on an average two years. After that the blinkers come off. The initial euphoria vanishes and the happiness quotient is back to where it was. Also, no matter what you do, there will always be The One You Cannot Have.

5. The best part of my years are over: Those in a job might believe that college years were greatest. Those in college might say that school days were the best times. Those married for several years might long for that time, when the relationship was new. if you are going to forever lookback and crave for what has-been, you are never going to be happy.

Happiest people are those that make the best of a situation. They express gratitude for what they have. They live in the here-and-now. They are warm, cheerful and have a great sense of humour, enabling them to laugh at themselves. They know that happiness comes from inside oneself.
It is a state of being, an art.

And it is something we owe ourselves. We all deserve to be happy!

photo credit: __MaRiNa__ via photopin cc

Read a part of my latest book, The One You Cannot  Have


  1. Teriffic post Preeti.. We are 'Happiness'. We all are and that is the only thing we have to be.. that is the true purpose in life. To never cease to be that you are.. Happiness.
    Just wanted to know if you have "The One you cannot have". Cmon Preeti tell us.. tells us a yes or no.. u dont have to tell who though we would love to know that too:P incase u decide to share it with us.. We readers would love to hear a yes or no from you. :) Tell Tell

    1. Hi Julian..Thank you for the encouraging comment.
      As regards your question-- I can honestly say that there is not one but MANY that i cannot have--not one :) Heh heh.
      And fortunately for me, I am married to the only one that truly matters :) I feel blessed! *touchwood*

    2. MANY.. That was a very frank reply.. Adore you for that.. Married to the ONLY one.. that is what truly matters :):)

  2. A very nice post.....just started reading your blog.....u write so well.....loved all your posts......looking forwards to read your books once I reach Mumbai :)

    1. Thank you so much Prarthana! Hope you enjoy them.

  3. vry nyc! the iñsight explained by u is remarkable!!

  4. Nice post preethaka. :)

  5. Another great post Preeti! I really like starting off my day by reading your posts. Happiness is something which we all want. It is up to us to be happy with the smallest and simplest things in life. :-) This is what makes life so beautiful!:-)

  6. Very nice post..came exactly at the time when I needed the most. Thanks for sharing with us.

    I have a question on lighter note: If there is always the One we cannot what's the solution?

  7. Loved the post....and yea I must express my disappointment's been so long since u replied to any of my comments... :-(

  8. beautifully written Preeti..... we all run for happiness( at least I do) but its actually inside and not outside!

  9. Keep inspiring Preeti Mam :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. ur lines are so inspiring for me mam its necessary to be happy that we must not expect everything perfect and also not to live in past ........u r a great motivator mam i hav read only one of urs "life is what u make it " that was awesome so i ordered all of ur remaining books they reached me yesterday so excited to read them too!!!!!

  12. So so true Preeti! Love your writing, inspiring as well. Keep going! :)

  13. Lovely Post! Love how effortlessly you worded such wise thoughts!

  14. Anonymous2:21 AM

    It's very true Preeti and we keep chasing the next happiness. I am guilty of that!

  15. Dear preeti, Being newly wed I am in a great bliss despite some major huddles. Wen I read "every marriage comes with a shelf life" It got me off my hook for a sec. Then, happiness is neither in past nor in worrying about future. Happiness is a choice that can be made under any circumstances. Point driven right in to the heart.


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