Here's what I did on day 1 of #LockdownIndia. Stay Cheerful!

Hello there!

As promised, here's my day 1 post of #21daysofpositivity that I started yesterday, after  PM Modi announced #LockdownIndia.

Everywhere we go--online, because we can't go anywhere offline (heh heh)--we are bombarded with death tolls, and exponential numbers (the very word now sends shudders down everyone's spines!).

To preserve sanity, I have decided not to hear or speak any negativity. I find people calling other people morons very moronic :) These are difficult times. To each their own. I find people mocking other people pathetic. Their energetic vibrations  are so low that the only way they feel better about themselves is to pull others down. This happens a lot on Twitter, and I am quick on the block button. There's no point arguing with someone who will never see it the way you do. It is best to protect your energies.

This morning, I introduced Satish (my husband) to TikTok. We had fun scrolling through the utter nonsensical videos together, and laughing at some. He cooked breakfast (upma) and I put together a nice video of it for him, which he posted on his profile.

After that I had a terrific one hour home workout. You can check out my instagram post for a fun video I posted with my new personal trainer :)

Then I read my book Haruki Murakami's Dance Dance Dance, which  I am enjoying a lot. Took a nice snooze with my four legged baby (both the two legged ones have flown the coop, and I miss them a lot) after which it was time to walk her, which I did.

I will be making a portrait in a bit. You can check out my portraits on my Instagram Art account.

This is how I have kept negativity at bay today. By saying a 'No Entry' and creating a lockdown on negativity.

Guard your mind, my friend. Don't allow your mind to wander towards things that can get you down.
Fall into a book!
If you have been out of reading habit for a while, and are looking to get started with something short, may I suggest a very exciting  and unusual short story I wrote?

It's only available as a  e-book.
You can read it on the Kindle app or on the google play store.

Kindle link:
Google play store link:

I would love to hear what you did, and how your day one of lockdown went.
Tell me in my comment box. If you are reading this in your mail, please head over to my blog  and comment; I may not be able to reply back on mail. I will try and reply to each and every comment left on my blogpost.

I will be back with a new post tomorrow.
Till then say NO to thoughts that get you down.

Lots of love

Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash


  1. Your all writing are exceptional Mem. Keep Sharing

  2. These are time’s of stress and negativity. Need a lot of positivity to come out of this. Your blog is helpful and interesting to read.. good one

  3. Day 12 of lockdown for us. It’s been fun homeschooling the kids - we are doing geography and crossword puzzles and sudoku and creative writing - stuff that they barely get time to work on in school. It’s been a fun time - we never turn the TV on so news don’t bother us. I read a bit online to keep updated and that’s it. All of us are reading a ton too - I finished “Reborn on the run” by Catra Corbett yesterday, she is an ultra runner. I started “Ikigai” next.

    1. It took me back to a time when my kids were little. Stay safe! <3

  4. Happy Ugadi and a happy new year!
    This made my day! Your words, your aura, rather just ur picture reflects so much of positivity that its inspiring!!! Keep inflicting such goodwill around during these tough times!!! Thank You so much and lots of love <3
    I would be glad if you would read this and respond. :)

    1. Thank you so very much for your very kind words. In these difficult times, I am happy my words help!
      lots of love

  5. I read a book and sketched the cover page of that book. In the evening, prepared peanut laddoo 🤤

    1. Yumm!! Gimme some!!

    2. Sure..when I come to your book tour in Bangalore :)

  6. Nice post Mam 👌👌👌 I have started reading Paulo Coelho's 'The Alchemist'. What a book! It is making me think a lot. I'm loving the book.

    1. Its a great book! I had read it while I was in college!

  7. Embracing positivity 😍
    Today,Day 1 of lockdown , sailed thru in a smooth manner..As the helper too, didn't turn up, washed all the vessels ..had put clothes in machine as usual and asked my daughter to dry all clothes..(have told her to do this everyday, in this quarantine period) my hus, had cut the vegetables and fruits this morning .I prepared daughter volunteered by making Top Ramen,for dinner 🙂

    1. Heh heh..No one's househelp can turn up. Its a lockdown for them too!

  8. My son too did his bit by folding all the dry clothes in the evening 🙂

  9. Myself along with my husband after long hectic day work, played Mario kart(games are very new to me)! We had lots of fun! This Ugadi festival we both prayed after Puja for the well being of the world at this time right now. As determined chanted Hanuman Chalisa(Powerful prayer in tough times) 9 times and thats it.

    1. Reciting Hanuman Chaalisa is a great idea and I will do it today.Thank you!

  10. I did two things one which I love doing and the other which I hate doing! I completed my assignments which I just hate doing but I am actually happy that I completed the work assigned to me. I also reviewed a book which I always love to do :)

    1. Nicety nice :) If only your teachers gave you assignments to write book reviews!

  11. Day 1 of lock 🔒 down. Got up early . Meditated for 20 minutes.. 40 days ago I lost my wife. February 15th night...
    Cleaned up the house...
    Read a book... Started writing my childhood memories..
    Listened to music.. Old songs...
    Evening watered the plants ..
    This is my Day 1..

  12. Before the lockdown I was working. Now, I am at home so decided to help out around the house with the chores which I normally do not get a chance to do. It is nice spending time with family, eating meals together, watching TV together and making up for all the lost time. Belated Ugadi Wishes to you and your family!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I have started a blog and have been writing on it. Rest of time spends into household chores, connecting with my bestfriend through phone, on social media and playing few games with the family.

  15. It's imperative tk keep negativity and your posts are sure to


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