Two more portraits

Every day, I make a portrait, as a part of Rise and Draw and May drawing Challenge. I post it to Sktchy, then I post it to my Instagram Art Account.

This is apart from the few hours that I spend making the portrait! So please excuse me if I am unable to post daily. (I promise to try, but sometimes, there's genuinely no time!). In case you wish to see it daily, please do follow my Instagram art account. You don't have to open an instagram id to see it. You can also view it on your desktop by clicking on

This is specially for all those who read my blog, and don't have Instagram. I find it easy to post on Instagram, as the photo is already on my phone. For my blog, I have to transfer it to my laptop, and then locate  it, and then upload it!

Here are the two portraits I made (one yesterday and one today):

As per my tutor's instructions I had to first study the model (Abe Linares) by making many sketches of his different expressions.
The I had to draw him. (he had posed this way for Halloween)

This was great fun to paint.

Today, my model was Marcus Bright.
Here's what I made:

Marcus said he liked the portrait!

I think it is fascinating that you connect to people you don't even know, when you paint them.

As a child, one of my greatest desires in life, was to be able to make a portrait which is an excellent likeness of a person. I was fascinated with faces. We all have two eyes, one nose, two eyebrows, two ears, and a mouth. And yet no two faces are alike (save for identical twins--and even they have a very slight difference).

I love to study faces and people. I am glad, as an adult, I am able to achieve it.

Happy Mothers day to all the mothers reading my blog. (mothers of four legged babies as well as two legged babies)

New post tomorrow.
Come back, and don't forget to leave me comments for this one.
buy Love a Little Stronger


  1. Nice portrait..... you are very creative and hard working person. Being inspired by you, I have tried to write a story . Please have a look on it.

  2. Wonderful Preeti .

    A small suggestion , you can transfer from phone to lap , by connecting on WhatsApp web as well. Just share the images to someone on WhatsApp, so , once you connect on web , you can easily download that image from chat :)


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