Are you missing a sign? (or What do you think this means?)

Yesterday, something strange happened to me.
In the mornings and in the evenings, I always take my dog for a walk. Sometimes, we go thrice a day.
Yesterday, in the morning, when I went for my walk, I saw this.

 It was a little rope which was lying in my path in the shape of a heart. I just found it cute and amusing. So I clicked a picture and posted in on my Instagram stories. (I keep posting  throughout the day, tiny snippets from my life.) Those of you who follow me on instagram, must have seen this in my feed. You can see my foot and my dog's paw in the above photo.

Then I walked on. A few minutes later, I found another rope/chord lying on my path--and this one too in the shape of a heart! I clicked another photo.

Here too you can see my foot and my dog's paw.

I had read a lot of posts from Erin Pavlina, as in the past many remarkable coincidences kept happening in my life. Erin has written a very useful piece, where she explains how to tell if something is a sign from the Universe or a coincidence. (Please click on it and read the piece)
So I thought to myself-- 'Is the Universe trying to tell me something? If so, I need to see another sign. If I don't see anything, I will just dismiss it as a coincidence.'

Then I forgot about these two heart signs that had popped up on my path, and went about my business. I am immersed in the editing of my next novel which will be out in September. I was drowned in the book, and I did not think about this at all.

In the evening, I took my dog for a walk, still lost in my thoughts. (Editing is a very intense process, and a lot of re-writing happens during edits). Then suddenly, I spotted this:

Can you see the heart shape? I couldn't believe it! I looked again and then clicked a picture. And I thought to myself, 'Oh I have seen three heart shapes now. I wonder if it means anything?'

Seconds later, I spotted this!

I was stunned. How could this be? I clicked a picture and then walked on.

What was it that the Universe was trying to tell me? Are all of these just coincidences and am I making a big deal of nothing?
Being a very visual person (I am an artist in addition to being a writer. Click HERE  to see my artwork) I do believe in intuition and the wisdom of our higher selves. I knew that there was something to these signs. But I didn't know what. I decided I would do my meditation (I do it on a daily basis) and try and find some answers.

This was not all. At night, my daughter (who lives abroad)  called me on skype. My skype calls with my daughter tend to be an hour long or more. We talk, we laugh and we catch up on everything. Her birthday had just gone by, and she wanted to show me one of the gifts she received.
'Do you want to see Mama?' she asked.
'Of course, show it to me,' I said.

This is what she showed me:

 It was a heart shaped jewellery box!
 I had goosebumps all over as I saw it.

It was the fifth heart I was seeing that day.

It was clear that the Universe was sending me a message. Perhaps a lot of love is coming my way? :)
(I do receive SO MUCH LOVE from my readers).

I don't know what these hearts mean, but they sure left me feeling good.

I think it is important to pay attention to these signs that the Universe sends us. If something keeps popping up, in your life, sit up an pay attention. It's a message from your higher self, and you are bein guided with love, towards your highest good.

What do you think all these hearts that I saw mean? Please tell me in comments. If you are reading this in your inbox, please don't reply to this mail. Instead, head over to my blog and leave me a comment, will you?

I would love to hear your interpretation of it!

ps: I have been doing the may drawing challenge, and I have been posting my portraits daily on my Instagram art page. Click here to see it.


  1. You deserve the hearts... ❤️ Represents the family love and my big ❤️ for you ❤️😍😘... U taught me to find joy in small things... And I do it everyday... Thank you for inspiring me...

  2. That there are lot of people who you love and love you too. Surrounded by good hearted people.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. May be that you need to love more... I have been waiting for your posts.. Past 3 days and after May 20 it came today. May it the hearts were trying to tell u to post soon as someone heart like mine was waiting for your post to feel good..

    1. Haha :) I post as often as I can...and you SHOULD do things other than reading my blog, in order to make yourself feel good!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hello mad'm.. Very good morning ..

    I think your Dad has sent all these hearts to you. It's all his love for you in the form of these hearts.. And i think he is impressed with your new book... Hehe..

    Have a very good day mad'm. . And here is a heart from me ❤️

    1. I think this is the interpretation i WANT to believe in. Thank you so very much, God Bless.

  7. The most beautiful post ever seen. Much adorable than other scenic beauties💖

  8. The most beautiful post ever seen. Much adorable than other scenic beauties💖

  9. Hmm! Do you have any dispute between your heart and your mind right now? It could be related to anything that you are writing or a personal matter! If so then I guess the universe is just telling you to listen to your heart!” :)

    1. Thanks Vandita!! I think you may be spot on, here!! <3


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