3 things that comfort me when things go wrong

Today, I tried to make the portrait twice. (as a part of Rise and Draw and May drawing Challenge, where I draw a picture every day)  Twice I failed. When I say failed, I don't mean that I did not complete it. I did. I mean that I wasn't happy with it.

I have posted it though, on the sktchy app, as well as on my Instagram art page.

Some days are just not our days. No matter how hard we try, things don't go the way we planned.

On such days, if you CAN afford to stop what you are doing, you should do just that. (if you are working for an organisation, you probably may not be able to do this but then you can prioritize the work, and choose something else, if you have several tasks)
Here are five things that I do, which comfort me when things don't go my way:

1. Writing One thing that does comfort me is my writing. No matter how bad the day is, no matter what has happened, I always feel better when I write. Writing calms me, helps me make sense of what is going around me and gives me a perspective. Even if you are not a writer, I highly recommend this. Try it when you feel down. Pour your heart out.  And see how it helps!

2. Gardening The other thing that calms me is my garden. I love to spend time there. I have flowers too, but the majority of what I grow are vegetables. I cook at least one vegetable from my garden every single day!

3. Reading And the last thing that comforts me is reading. No matter how the day goes, a good book is always a great escape! Right now I am reading 'My Grandmother sends her love and apologises' by Fredrick Backman.
(Strangely, music is not something that comforts me..I do listen to it, when I am painting.)

That's all for today folks, I am off to write in my journal and read.

New post (and new portrait) tomorrow!
Buy Love a Little Stonger.


  1. You are such a healer mam.. Nowadays I too use writing as a stress buster... You are 100 percent correct
    If you want to heal yourself actively u can write... If you want to heal yourself passively u can read..... It will b a chiller...

  2. Will follow these things definitely mam.Thank you for sharing.


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