A few happy things!

Over the last few days, I have been making a portrait every single day, as a part of #Risedraw as well as the May Drawing challenge. Initially I was posting my portraits every single day, on this blog. Then I realised that not too many people read this blog for  my portraits :) Also I do have a dedicated Instagram page for my art where I post daily!

I didn't see any point in duplicating the same here. Especially because, I also post it on sktchy app. So to post it a third time on my blog, didn't make any sense.

 In case  you do not have an Instagram account, you can still click on the link, bookmark it, and see it from your laptop :)

Apologies to all those who have written to me saying that they are disappointed that I didn't post daily here--this was the reason.

Also a big thank you to all of you who interpreted the 'heart signs' that I had been seeing everywhere.
I want to tell you all, that the heart signs continued the next day too! It was the craziest thing ever!

Today, when I went on my walk, I didn't see any signs :-)

Instead, I  clicked this beautiful photo, which I simply had to share here:

The other news is that my book Love A Little Stronger  is number ONE on the Indian Bestseller chart.

I have been working hard on the edits of my NEXT book, which is a full length novel, and will be out in September this year. My editor and I have long long discussions about the character. I absolutely love working with her, and we have also become friends now.
So yesterday, I made a watercolour portrait of her. Any artist will tell you that water colour portraits are very hard to make, as you cannot correct the mistakes, and you have to work in layers. Also you can't control the washes, and hence it is difficult to get precision.

I 'stole' my editor's display picture from her whatsapp profile, and made this:

It's an A6 size, and it is in my sketchbook.
She loved it and I am happy :)

I shall post again soon. Till then read  Love a Little Stronger

photo credits of the bottle photo: unsplash-logoDiego Botero
