The launch of Love a Little Stronger, and a picture for you :)

I have just come back from the launch of Love a Little Stronger. It was a fabulous event, and I am so overwhelmed with the massive turnout, and the love that my readers showered on me. One of them (Madesh) got me a lovely gift too! He gifted me a framed photograph of my family ! (a picture which I had posted on Instagram). A very cherished gift indeed. Thank you Madesh!

Here are a few pictures from the launch:

I was in conversation with Arup Bose, who heads Srishti along with Mr.J.K.Bose.

 The stage, all set for us.
 The fabulous crowd.

My readers--it was a full house.
The interaction was fun! We laughed a lot, chatted a lot and really had a great time. Everyone who came to the launch said so and I was happy to hear that.

I have posted more photos on my Instagram stories  and I will be sharing many more photos on my Facebook page tomorrow.

 This is  the gift which my reader Madesh gave me:

I feel very blessed and grateful to have such lovely and wonderful readers. A big thank you to all of you who came today!

I also thank all of you who read this, for you support me, by reading me :)

I was exhausted after the launch. But when I came home, I remembered the May Drawing challenge, where I have to draw a picture every single day, and post it. A challenge is a challenge, and so I got down to drawing. I drew my bedside  reading lamp today. Here's my drawing.

A new post tomorrow!
Till then, stay cheerful and remember to smile.
Goodnight folks!

Grab Love a Little Stronger by clicking here.


  1. thank yo so much mam.. yo are really amazing person.. your ma idol forever!!

    1. Thank you so much Madesh. It's a gift I will cherish. So thoughtful and so kind of you.

  2. That looks like a really fun event ma'am!!
    I wish I could meet you too:(
    I live in Mumbai.

    Love how you made it a point to complete today's challenge, no matter how exhausted you were. It's really inspiring!!

    1. Thank you very much karthika! Drawing helps me to slow down, calm myself and notice things around me :)

  3. Lovely pics mam. I wish I could attend the launch too And yes your determination is very infectious..

  4. Hi Preethi, my top takeaways from attending your event which I found extremely useful 1. Spending time alone to improve your creativity. I found this extremely useful. This has been a game changer for me. It helps me to write better, be more mindful and grateful for life's moments. Thank you for reiterating this. 2. To write everyday. I have been doing this , and it helps me to firstly write better and secondly as a cathartic process. The more I journal the more I can let out the everyday nuances of life that drain me. 3. Was very happy to see ur hubby with you too. Makes me believe in everlasting love and happy forever relationships. Thank you and all the best to you. Keep writing !! :)

  5. I really love and appreciate your sense of commitment and discipline. It's extremely inspiring ma'am.

  6. Congratulations on the Book Launch. I am half way done reading the book. Cannot wait to finish it and write my review. Watched the videos from the Book Launch on Srishti Facebook page. So kind of felt as if I was there too. Nice to know there was a huge turn out. Take care!

  7. Congrats Preeti. Such a beautiful frame to be cherished forever and your books are always awesome. I gotta look for it, first thing and am sure the book will carve a place inside our hearts.


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