A Sunday Sunflower

Today's sketch. (a part of May drawing challenge, where I post a picture I paint, every day)

“If roses tried to be sunflowers, they would lose their beauty; and if sunflowers tried to be roses, they would lose their strength.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

Hope you had a great Sunday, as bright as the sunflower!
What did you do today? I  chatted for a long time with one of my closest friends from UK, and then I cleaned my wardrobe. I also slept a lot! :)

New post tomorrow.
Until then, stay bright!

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  1. Wonderful Sketch ❤️
    I spend my sunday by spending quality time with my 85 year old granny. It brought me smiles😊

  2. I took out my son to attend a cousin brother bday. Aarush my son had a great time with kids of his own age... It diff how kids interact with their own age group and how they deal with us... He had a thrilling bike ride with my cousin .. Ate properly so overall Sunday was good .

  3. Completed reading your book Love a little stronger and as usual loved it. Some stories were familiar as I had read your earlier book and also a regular follower of your blog. Did a lot of quilling and relaxed. Absolutely loved how my Sunday turned out.

  4. I went out for some errands in the morning, ate a yummy lunch, packed my clothes for a trip coming up and in the evening went to a Devi temple for a program. Sunday flew by! The sunflower is really pretty!

    1. Thanks so much :) Nice to hear about your day!


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