
Showing posts from May, 2018

A few happy things!

Are you missing a sign? (or What do you think this means?)

Two watercolour portraits.

Does minimalism help you?

3 things that comfort me when things go wrong

Imagine and change your life--- a little life lesson I learnt from my art.

Two more portraits

Friday Face!

Waiting for love.

A simple way to be consistent.

A writing tip and a drawing tip, plus a gift for you :)

A Sunday Sunflower

The launch of Love a Little Stronger, and a picture for you :)

Ten Reasons why you should attend a book launch by your favourite author. No.9 will delight you!

Portrait of a bearded guy

Amritsar: A city of warmth and sweetness!

Why being harsh on yourself harms you.

May drawing challenge! A story of two portraits.