Why you should smile today. (Blog marathon post 1)

 The above mail, is as good a reason as any to start my blog marathon! Yes! I start today. 30 days. A new post every day! If you want them delivered to your inbox,  just enter your email id on the right, and hit enter. I promise I won't sell your email id to those people in Nigeria wanting to give you money, or anyone else :) It is safe with me.

It’s been a while since I was here. The reason as you all know is because I was lost in my novel.
 Most writers will tell you that when they write a novel, they go into another world. Completely. They live with their characters for months and months. To them (and later when the book comes out, to the readers as well) those characters are real. You form a connection with those characters, and live in their worlds for a while. I am no different. I was lost in the world of Aniket, Nidhi, Subbu, Tara and many more, whom you will meet too, when the novel comes out.

I finally sent my 2nd edits yesterday. If you want to know what the editing process is like, click here.
Today to celebrate, I treated myself to a movie. We watched ‘ Waiting’, directed by Anu Menon, starring Naseeruddin Shah and Kalki Koechlin. The movie was simply brilliant. Outstanding. Finely nuanced. It left me speechless. Even hours after the movie, I haven’t recovered.

Just before I entered the multiplex, I got recognised by a group of readers. They came upto me and told me how much they loved my books. They said they were employees of Capgemini and they said they were waiting for my next novel.  They also told me that they follow my blog avidly. I told them I would be starting my blog marathon today. They said they look forward to it. Then they clicked a picture with me.

When I got home in the evening, there was a huge storm.I was happy to be back home safe. I watched the rains lashing out in fury, from my balcony. I was filled with gratitude that I had shelter, and I sent a prayer of safety for those who didn't. 

 If we have a comfortable home, we are indeed blessed. Take a moment to send out gratitude. 1.77 million people are homeless in India.(and this is according to the 2011 census).

Till tomorrow, keep that feeling of gratitude in your heart, and a smile on your face. You look better that way!

ps: here is a selfie, I clicked in the multiplex today. 



  1. Welcome back Preeti! It is always a pleasure to read your blogs on a daily basis. Looking forward to the blog marathon this month. Happy June to you!

  2. I am at a place where the temperature just touch 44 degrees today,.... these extreme conditions of weather bring to light some new things...today i asked my mom what if we didn't have an Air conditioner? what if we didn't even have a fan? or a house to hide our heads? may be we would have died by now because of the heat? ... extreme temperatures began to teach me how 100 % lucky I am in here and how many people are dying to be 1% lucky at least out there.. may be,its time we start appreciating what we are left with and share with others that extra glass of water, extra little food, extra pair of shoes, clothes, shelter.. anything that they can't afford and we can!

  3. Welcome back Preeti! It is always a pleasure to read your blogs on a daily basis. Looking forward to the blog marathon this month. Happy June to you!

    1. Happy June to you too prathima. Thanks :)

  4. Thnx madam for starting the marathon. To your readers you are a guiding light through your immensely popular blogs and books. Your book Life is what you make it should be brought into the curiculum of universities where literature is taught as a subject. Always admire you for your hard work and brilliant writings.

    1. Thank you Sanjay! I am no guiding light but glad my perspectives help.

  5. Oh!It's great. I am smiling today.Plz..read and say something about my writings on my blog zindgise.blogspot.com
    Thank you for Much Love.

  6. So nice to see your blog,looking forward for more,smile pls :)

  7. So nice to see your blog,looking forward for more,smile pls :)

  8. Thats really good ,
    I was looking for this from long time,
    It is always a pleasure to read your blogs on a daily basis...

  9. Looking forward to it ma'am and all the best for the new book

  10. 😍
    Reading blogs after ages. And so happy that yours happens to be the first one I read today

    1. Thank you Yarn Owl--and welcome back :)

  11. I have a home and I am smiling in gratitude

  12. Nice to see the blogger in you is back. Yes whether the sweltering heat or incessant rains a home with a roof is greatest of gratitude worthy. Will watch waiting, the trailer itself brought in a alternative storyline. Will wait for your daily posts. -pramodh

  13. Wonderful mam... I haven't yet read a book of yours.. but I'm a fan of yours... Looking forward to read your novels and of course I'd be following your blog anyways...that's how my affinity towards your writings started. So...waiting eagerly...:p

  14. Happy to hear this from you welcome.......

  15. Great preeti, wenever am sad i used to read your blogs. It makes me feel happy. Refresh me. Also u giv a reply to each & every1. . Tat realy nyz. Keep blogging :)

  16. Yippee. ..so happy with the marathon. .will get to read new post from you.
    Waiting for your new book preethi..

  17. I have always been a silent reader, My favourite book of yours is " Life is what you make it". Your writing is amazing! It has a feeling to connect with.

    Happy writing

  18. Everyday I read a snippet of yours, I'm inspired. I'm motivated to write. You pen almost everything that touches and relates our daily dealings. Keep writing. More than Happy to read your work.

  19. Wowoww Preeti! Great to see your blogathon again. Looking forward to some profound and diverse writing :) Wish u loads of luck for ur upcoming book. And yess, u look so very different in this selfie from ur pics I remember seeing in your last book launch/ Delhi events :)
    C ya again tomo (Y)

  20. It's only words but some depth I have to hear your heart away.

  21. It's only words but some depth I have to hear your heart away.

  22. It's only words but some depth I have to hear your heart away.

  23. It's only words but some depth I have to hear your heart away.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Love your blog mam..I have read almost all your blogs and Novels..Keep writing:)

  26. One more exicitng month to look forward, Day by Day..!!! Happy Happy Happy..!!! #Excited :))
    Best Of Luck..!!! :))

  27. Always a delight to read your books, soft romance and the pain of longing:)


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