Friends who get you (blog marathon post 10)

There's magic which happens when you connect with people of the same wave-length. People who get you. Understand you. You feel 'one of a tribe'. You feel appreciated, validated, most importantly simply understood.

It is a rare thing. You might have a best friend whose life is completely different from yours. Sure, they may give you a patient hearing, they may give you encouragement, they may be there for you when you need them. But when it comes to your work, and something that means a lot to you, they just might not 'get you' , as they have never experienced what you are going through. Their journeys and their paths have been different.

I met and connected with my friends today, after my meetings. It was rejuvenating, refreshing, energising.

My hotel room, is done up BEAUTIFULLY. Each room has a different theme, and mine is done up in a peacock theme, with cerulean blue and gold. There is a FABULOUS painting that adorns a wall, little detailing, hand crafted mirrors that hang from the main mirror in a wrought iron frame, a bunch of flowers, books on  aatma sutra, karmic connections and many such interesting things. The room is so beautiful that I do not feel like leaving it. This is a lovely boutique hotel called Le Sutra. Check it out online and have a look at their rooms.

I feel so good today, I am at peace.
And here's a pic from today, from my instagram feed. I spent a lot of time at the fabulous Madhuri Banerjee's place. That's what she posted on her instagram, and I reposted. grateful for the happy memories, and grateful for the happy times.


  1. Close friends are best people in the one can listen to us as they do.I am lucky to have few close friends..Nice post Mam..waiting for your next post, missing my friends.

  2. I guess, everyone should have their own "ME" time. Sometimes when you are hard at yourself even a thousand of your very best friends can't help but you yourself should pick yourself up from your own mess. But that doesn't mean that you don't need friends, you require friends but there are some limitations too.
    I surely love the way you choose such diverse range of topics for your marathon. You're truly inspiring

  3. yeah that must be feeling pretty good...being in your "own tribe".it's like being comfortable in your own skin...have a great time!!!

  4. Have a great time madam. Looking forward to your next visit to Delhi.

  5. There is nothing like spending time with friends, especially when you are meeting them after a long time! Also, when you live in different cities, it is difficult to meet often, so when you finally do meet, it's like a dream come true. Glad you get to concentrate on both your professional and personal life when you travel on work, Preeti! Enjoy!

  6. This is so true... I agree Completely

  7. This is so true... I agree Completely

  8. I am tooo lucky to have a best friends who understands me personally as well as professionally. And it always been like a heartbeat to a heart; rains to the clouds; light to the sun..!!!


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