When the lights turn red (blog marathon post 27)

I clicked this picture from my car, at MG road Bangalore. The Umbrella seller deftly made his way, weaving a path through the traffic, selling these colorful umbrellas.
I loved the bright colours of the Umbrellas he carried. I did not buy any, as I already have enough number of Umbrellas in the house.

There was another little girl who was selling roses. They were beautiful.
'Didi, please buy,' she implored, sticking out a rose.
'How much?' I asked.
'Didi, Twenty rupees each,' she replied.

I asked her to give me 3, and she begged me to buy 5.
So I did.
Gave her a hundred, and the smile across her face was a million watts.

She thrust 5 rose buds at me. I took them.
Then as an afterthought she said 'Didi, wait, I will give you the nicest ones.'
She took back the ones she had given me and then carefully chose the best ones from the lot.

'Which class are you studying in?' I asked her.
'6th standard didi,' she answered.

As our car sped away, i could see her  and the umbrella seller in my rear view mirror, as they walked to the side, for the traffic to flow.

Most of us hate red lights at signals. But for some of us, the best time for business is when the lights turn red.

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  1. Vow ! that's great.

  2. Hi Mam, your writing is the best. I really was able to picture what you were narrating. Divine writer and divine writing. May god bless you.. Have a wonderful day.

  3. That's so sweet...every post of yours is a treat in itself...looking forward to more

  4. What you did was really sweet...I have seen many people almost squat people who try to sell them things when the traffic lights turn red

  5. Aww, what a sweet gesture by a very sweet lady! Thanks for this post, Preeti. It was so nice of you to buy flowers from the little girl. You must have made her day! :-)

  6. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Ma'am you are amazing.Merely reading your posts lights up my mood.Your writings spread so much positivity and good vibes.You have the power to uplift my moods.Thank You.Love You!!

  7. It was a wonderful gesture ma'am. Most people don't take such kind measures in life. It's okay if you don't want to help but the thing with these people is that they shoo away the persons who are trying to make a living by selling dolls, flowers, umbrellas or whatever. I guess people should start becoming more generous to the others cause you know never know... Karma is such a nasty thing.

  8. Having read and heard about the 'red light mafia' I find myself in a dilemma as to buy or not from such sellers. I have read these children are only pawns and dont get anything from the day's earning. The mafia leader becomes richer (and filthier).

  9. Wow!! That's really wonderful

  10. Umbrella guys could be individuals. But the kids who sell are controlled by mafia. We would be indirectly supporting them if we buy from the kids. #stopbuyingfromkids #savethem


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