Greetings from Pondicherry --a photo post: Blog marathon post 16

This is going to be a very short post as i am blogging from my phone and am stuck at a place where there's no wifi!! I had a wonderful time today at Pondicherry. Those who have read my book #teafortwoandapieceofcake know what a special bond i have with this place. Here are a few pics clicked today:

Will post again tomorrrow! For those in Chennai, come and meet me at Starmark, Avenue road, on 17th at 6.30 pm.


  1. U have made it crystal clear why u love that place even though the post is a little short...its so beautiful

  2. U have made it crystal clear why u love that place even though the post is a little short...its so beautiful

  3. Forgive me for not typing the you completely. .I know how much that irks YOU....excessive use of whatsapp causes that sometimes

  4. Pondicherry is really a wonderful place...i visited it weeks before I read Tea for two and a piece of cake and could connect myself very well with the words you chose to describe the beauty of the place. The scenes really looked like as if they came straight out of a picture postcard. Loved the place and the book too.

  5. This is one city which I am yet to visit. Looks like a very beautiful city. I got to know more about it after reading Tea For Two And A Piece Of Cake. Have a wonderful time in Chennai too!


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