A one word challenge! to kick-start your creativity (blog marathon post 13)

A picture from my Instagram for  you:

A photo posted by Preeti Shenoy (@preeti.shenoy) on

Today a friend sent me a beautiful site for challenging your writing skills. It is called oneword.com
The site generates a single word randomly,  and it gives you 60 seconds to write on it. You needn't think. You just have to write.
It's like a warm-up for your brain. After that you have the option to submit your entry, and see what the others have done.
I loved the concept, and so decided to try it.
The word I got was 'setup '

Here is what I instantly wrote in one minute:

He  had set up the apartment well. He did want to impress her. He felt if she saw a clean home she would forgive him. When she entered she didn’t notice it at all. She went straight to the sofa and plonked down. ‘God what an awful day I have had’, she said.

Why do you think she has had a bad day? What had he done so bad that he wanted her to forgivehim?
If the above lines spark your imagination, and make you want to write, do write a story and post it on your blog.
If you don't want to write a story, click a photo!
If you don't have a blog and yet want to take part, use my comment box.

This is a 'just for fun' exercise. It ignited my creativity, and hence I thought I would share it with you.

That's all for today folks.
See you tomorrow! Same time, same place.
Till then----stay happy!

 Buy preeti shenoy's books at a fab price!


  1. Yeah - I too tried it. More than writing it is fun reading other people's write up's in one minute

  2. She is usually a very neat and organised person. Every time he gets home from work, the apartment was always spotless.One particular day at work hadn't gone well for him.To make things worse, when he got home, the apartment was a mess and his wife was in bed. Without a second thought, he took out all his pent up anger. It was a while later he realised that she had come home early from work as she was suffering from a splitting headache and was in no position to do anything that day. He chastised himself for his insensitivity and did his best to nurse her but she was really upset and went to her best friend's place.he decided to use that opportunity to clean up the apartment all by himself for the first time ever since they got married to give her a pleasant surprise when she returned from her best friend's place.

  3. She is usually a very neat and organised person. Every time he gets home from work, the apartment was always spotless.One particular day at work hadn't gone well for him.To make things worse, when he got home, the apartment was a mess and his wife was in bed. Without a second thought, he took out all his pent up anger. It was a while later he realised that she had come home early from work as she was suffering from a splitting headache and was in no position to do anything that day. He chastised himself for his insensitivity and did his best to nurse her but she was really upset and went to her best friend's place.he decided to use that opportunity to clean up the apartment all by himself for the first time ever since they got married to give her a pleasant surprise when she returned from her best friend's place.

  4. Even i tried and had got the same word Setup, here is what i wrote:
    I had setup my mind to start writing my first story.all i could do was sit and stare at the blank page. It made me more nervous and i was unable to write a single word that day.

    Nice site, to kick off creativity. Thank you Preeti Mam, you made my day creative :)

  5. When you are down, when you doesnt want to look back your life, you need to setup your mind to be brave and courageous…

    1. A lovely one Divya!

    2. Super... When u write without a second thot, the scars of heart start to heal.

  6. he wnted to make up for everything he did wrong in last 10 years to hurt her....just in 10 min....
    still actions speak more than words!!!

  7. Can u plz gave me some writing tips

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi Preeti. I tried the one word challenge and the word I got was "Savings." Here is what I wrote in 60 seconds.

    Savings are very important to me. I try to save more than spend because savings are like the umbrella on a rainy day. If I have enough savings in the future, then I can use it for something really worth while. Ever since I have started earning, I try to keep my savings in tact and no to overspend. I hope more people concentrate on their savings instead of spending more.

  10. Being an active journalist and mom of two kids wasn't easy for her... She knew it was very difficult for her to manage both of the things together, either the paperwork or stopping the kids from rambling things on the floor! But she had to do it! Same thing happened one day...it was a day from the meeting sessions with a member of the parliament. She had worked and prepared herself for the whole night... The next day was going to be a judgement day for her, either she would be promoted or not. And the same next day was her birthday... And while being busy, she had totally forgotten about it. Hanging her bag, she sat in her car and left. All she thought was being positive... But the meeting didn't go good! Everything went in the adverse direction...!! She felt disappointed, a little indignant, all at the same time! She entered her home and went straight to the sofa abd plonked down. "God, what an awful day i have had!!" She said. One thing she didn't notice that her house was all clean... And then out of the blue, she got surprised when she saw a large number of people including her husband, her kids and her dearest friends gathering in the hall...and wishing her happy birthday. She looked at her watch...the date was correct! She was firstly stunned but later she recovered. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She bursted out with happiness. There was no end of it. Her husband had made all these arrangements. Then he hugged her and held her in his arms and then the party being more colourful, more brightened began. Even though she felt sad while entering her house but now she was overwhelmed. Her husband had made her day!! :)

    Hope you like it as I enjoyed writing it!!

    Happy Writing :)
    Siddhartha Srivastava

  11. Awesome..!!! Will put a story on my blog


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