Into each life some rain must fall (blog marathon post 3)

It is raining as I type this. The curtains in my bedroom are flying in the breeze and are at an angle of almost a 180 degrees, as the wind is that heavy! I can hear the rumble of thunder.  Flashes of lightning illuminate my window grills, for a few seconds, while they last.
I got drenched, soaked to the bone, in the rain, as I had decided to go for a post-dinner walk. I was about a kilometre from home, when it started pouring. I turned back, and there was no shelter to wait. The only option was hurrying as fast as I could, and I did just that. I think the monsoons are officially here, as much as the weather department squabbles over the dates of the actual onset.

I spoke to one of my closest friends today. I hadn't spoken to her for more than two months, as I was buried in writing my novel, and she was buried in the business she runs. My conversation with her was all of two minutes. I told her I would be visiting the place where she lives (I am travelling for an event. Keep following this blog for details) , and she said I would have to stay with her. I asked her if she wasn't busy and she said she will take the day off. 'Come! I can't wait to see you,' she said.

That was it. No small talk.No questions.No 'oh-we-haven't spoken-for-awhile'. No 'we-must-catch-up'.
Because we always do. I texted her later saying I feel blessed for this invaluable friendship and she replied back immediately saying she feels the same.

Most of my books have this strong element of friendship. In 'It happens for a Reason', the friendship between Vee and Suchi is so like that between my best friend and me.

The rains today reminded me of the countless times that my friend and I have sat at her place, which overlooked the sea, chatting,over cups of tea, and piping hot pakoras, watching the rains,talking about everything, discussing, laughing, ruminating.

Rains--you either love them or hate them.
Rains and best-friends---For me, the best combination.

I leave you with an a Ella Fitzgerald's song sung in the 40's: Into each life, some rain must fall--but too much is falling in mine:

Till tomorrow,keep a song in your heart!

ps: My son has started a photo blog it's a daily feed, and each of the pictures come with a little write-up. I loved the pics he clicked (every day scenes which all of us would have seen so many times and thought nothing about)  and the little descriptions he wrote. (and this isn't just a fond mother talking). Do check it out and please do  leave him comments if you liked his work:


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  1. Quite right madam - into each person's life rain must fall. Rain of happiness, peace, joy, contentment and love for others.

    1. It could be sorrow, disappointment and unfulfilled dreams too. But life is still beautiful.

  2. Rains can be loved only and not hated. Brings back those happy memories you had with you loved ones by just watching the rain fall. Too good..!!! :)

    1. Oh so many people hate the rains. They don't like getting wet. They hate the slushy roads and all things monsoon.

  3. Nice post Ma'am..Rain must fall in farmer's life also, they are the one's who will be eagerly waiting for the rains. Let it rain in each farmer's life is my prayer to God. And nice song..Keeping this song in my heart till you next post..

  4. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Amazing it is....and ofcourse the love for rains and the perfect combination of rain and best friend....just loved this...Keep writing for your fans like me....:)

  5. Beautiful. Everything you have said here. The sentiments about the friendship. The longing for the rain soaked happiness and the need to connect. And to think just this morning I woke up with Ella on my playlist

  6. Living in a coastal city, I am used to the rain and once the monsoon season starts, I do not like rains, because it's difficult to drive. However, if I am indoors, I just love to sit near the window and watch the rain slashing down, I like watching kids splashing around in the puddles and of course, I love the smell of rain because it's a smell which is like no other. A perfect world with no problems is impossible, so just as we have sunny days, we have bad or rainy days. So in everyone's life, we should have both rainy and non rainy days! :-) By the way, I visited Atul's page and it's nice. Happy to add another blog to my list. Thanks!

  7. Rains are like life...rains bring with them their share of ups and downs

  8. Rains are like life...rains bring with them their share of ups and downs

  9. Yes friendship is like the drizzling rain , which comforts us , deep upto the nerves ,! I am also blessed with such friends , being with our loved ones is a pleasant feeling ,! also rain of sorrow , chaos , dreams fulfilled and unfulfilled ones also should fall in our life as you said madam ,v nice blog mam liked it so much

  10. Yes friendship is like the drizzling rain , which comforts us , deep upto the nerves ,! I am also blessed with such friends , being with our loved ones is a pleasant feeling ,! also rain of sorrow , chaos , dreams fulfilled and unfulfilled ones also should fall in our life as you said madam ,v nice blog mam liked it so much

  11. Rain acting as Energetic phenomena which make the aura pious with the flow of breeze. There must be Heavy rain on each and everyone. Right Said #Preeti_Ma'am


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