An important ingredient for success.(blog marathon post 8)

Today I received a huge compliment from the editor of the one of the National newspapers I write for. She said 'Preeti, you're a lifesaver.' I felt wonderful about that.In my entire writing career, I have never missed a deadline. EVER.(touch-wood). No matter whether there was a death in the family, no matter if I was unwell, no matter if my mother had to be taken to the hospital, no matter if I had a novel coming out, no matter if I was traveling---not once have I let that affect my professionalism. This is a fact I am very proud of. Once I commit, I keep up my word. Every editor that I have worked with, right from Readers Digest to Times of India to Financial Chronicle will vouch for this.

In order to succeed, I think commitment to a cause is very important. Once you have committed to something, you MUST stick to it, especially when it is hard. My maternal grandmother, whom I was very close to had a policy which she followed. She used to say 'If you feel lazy, the best way to get rid of it is to do double the quantity of work that day, which you usually do.'She followed it too. She used to work  really hard around our ancestral home, which was nestled in greenery in  a vast enclosed  land.It was almost like a a farm, as my grandfather used to cultivate a lot of things around the home. They tended to the garden themselves. My grandmother used to even chop firewood (there were no electric geysers there.) which was used for cooking. I don't ever remember her sitting idle. She was always doing something.

If you ever feel discouraged in what you are doing, remember something better is always round the corner. You are learning life-lessons, which will serve you well later, though you do not realize it now.

I am off to Mumbai early tomorrow morning! I have back to back meetings. Mumbai is a city i have lived, worked and studied in and it features in a couple of my books.I love the vibrancy of the place.

My bags are packed and I am all ready to go.
So I leave you with one of my favourite songs--Leaving on a  jet plane.
I like the chantal kravits version the best, so here it is. Listen to it with headphones.


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  1. I loved reading this today, especially today as I am in a hotel in London Bridge - and it rains here when it should be sunny and I ponder my work, marriage and more.

  2. Loved this post, Preeti!

    "If you ever feel discouraged in what you are doing, remember something better is always round the corner." Thank you for writing this line. It gave me a much needed solace.

    All the best for your meeting. Stay blessed...:)

  3. A write up which again spreads feelings of positivity among the readers madam. Thanks a ton!

  4. Of course...what seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise....A quote I swear by

  5. Of course...what seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise....A quote I swear by

  6. Nice post..This post gave me a positive aspect towards life..Thanks a lot Mam..

  7. Too Good for #ThursdayTreasure. #Motivated #Inspired. Also Preeti, This is your #BlogMarathon Post 8..!!! :)

  8. Well said Preeti, ' Once you have committed to something, you MUST stick to it, especially when it is hard' I totally loved the line..

  9. Congratulations on receiving such a huge compliment Preeti. Well deserved I must add! This is the reason you have so many fans, because you have the utmost dedication to your profession. I hope many people learn from you as you set the best example! Wishing you all the best for your meetings in Mumbai! As always, thanks for the words of advice about laziness :=)


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