
Showing posts from June, 2016

End of blog marathon (post 30)

Life is better with a doberman pinscher--wordless wednesday post 51

Two sketches. Hope they bring you joy! (blog marathon post 28)

When the lights turn red (blog marathon post 27)

A picnic --to refresh one's soul (blog marathon post 26)

Satur-YAY :) (blog marathon post 25)

Where to find inspiration to write (blog marathon post 24)

Parents---back off! (blog marathon post23)

Wordless Wednesday no.50

Breaking Bad ! (blog marathon post 21)

Sketchy Monday (blog marathon post 20)

A relaxed Sunday (blog marathon post 19)

The worst advice you ever heard about writing (blog marathon post 18)

Chennai Launch of Why We Love The Way We Do.(Blog mararthon post 17)

Greetings from Pondicherry --a photo post: Blog marathon post 16

Hindu Lit for Life Special session on Friday (blog marathon post 15)

Five things you can do to help you find serenity in a busy day (blog marathon post 14)

A one word challenge! to kick-start your creativity (blog marathon post 13)

Keep egos out. keep the love in. (blog marathon post 12)

A Saturday journey (blog marathon post 11)