Portrait of a bearded guy

My today's sketch is a part of the #Fridayface series by #Sktchy. Every Friday, they send out a face, to thousands of artists registered.
It is free and you can sign up here if you like to draw portraits.

This is the face they sent today:

Here's what I made:

This one was made in watercolour, and I am happy with it!

Hurrah :)

A new post tomorrow. Come back!

And those of you in Bangalore, meet me tomorrow!!

buy #LoveaLittleStronger HERE


  1. Awesome work... 😍❤️
    As i am in london, I will miss this opportunity to meet you in Bangalore 😢
    Plan a visit to london...

    1. I HAD come to UK, to Birmingham for the Birmingham Lit fest. One and a half hours away from London :)
      Where were you? :-/

    2. I was in Bangalore. I went to london only 1 month back. For the next book release, if it's in london, I will surely meet you...👍😍

  2. How much time it takes to finish one sketch??

    1. Neha--this one I think I took 20 minutes. I did a study first, which took about 20 minutes.

  3. Awesome sketch!


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