On making adult choices

Pre marital sex is not a taboo. According to HT-Mars Youth survey , 63 percent believe it is perfectly acceptable and normal.

However, like the protagonist of my next book, if you make an adult choice, you will have to face adult consequences.
And as long as you are aware, nobody has the right to judge.

Buy the book:
Amazon: http://is.gd/Ithappensamazon
Flipkart: http://is.gd/Flipkartithappens


  1. I am so eager to read your next book. I am eagerly waiting here at Nepal.

  2. Anonymous1:31 AM

    Loove the last lines. It's a personal choice and who are they to judge:)
    Best for the book and sure it, gonna rock.
    Btw, I am asking if you'd be interested to do an interview for my blog or guest post:)


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