Are you disappointed in your relationship?

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Disappointment and unhappiness in relationships comes from expectations. We expect something and then we are disappointed and sad, when the person did not behave in the way we wanted them to. We feel let down. We feel insulted. We feel that we give too much, in the relationship--in other words, we are overwhelmed by a sense of disappointment.

'I called her 5 times--she didn't once bother to call back'.
'I remembered his birthday, but he forgot mine and did  not even wish me'.
'It is always me who makes the effort to call her. She never bothers.'
'He/she takes me for granted.'
'I feel so used in this relationship.'

If any of the above are applicable to you, you have been besieged by the burden of expectations. You are carrying a load which is getting heavier by the day and unless you shrug it off, you can be sure that it will build up to a point where your relationship will break.

How  do we break this burden?
Doesn't love go hand-in-hand with mutual understanding and mutual acceptance? Aren't you supposed to live happily ever after?

The answer is yes--but conditions apply. The happily-ever-after is a lot of hard work.

If you think your relationship is worth making that effort, worth working on, then you have to be prepared to work hard to make it succeed?

Watch this space tomorrow.

Starting today, this blog will be updated a lot more regularly than usual. I am aiming for a blog-post every single day. Like a blog marathon that I have done earlier.

I would be blogging extensively on topics that are useful, practical and 'doable'. If you would like to receive my posts ion your inbox, enter your email id in the box on the right side of this blog.

I shall update this blog tomorrow on what you have to be willing to do, if you want your relationship to go a long long way.

 And yes---if you leave me comments, I will be motivated to blog a lot more regularly! ;-) So tell me what you think of it, in my comment box.

Have a lovely weekend!

Buy my latest book 'It happens for a reason' which will be out on December 10th!


  1. I am thankful to you... For pondering onn thiss subject nd sharing it withh us. I will be looking forward to ur blogs like ur blog marathon....keep going...

  2. Relationships are indeed very delicate. If its with my spouse then I would say as smooth as butter (TOUCHWOOD)..But however relationship with some friends has not been so good.. :( So confused, are my expectations high or have they take me for granted, don't know..

    Pls do keep writing ma'am I will surely peep in regularly and yes may the blog marathon begin..Loving it :)

  3. really veryy nice to read about disappontment issues.... actually dere z someone who z taking time and thinking about the disappointments of other people too..... which z generally a problem lying inside everyone....
    thankfull to u...
    wid love n true respect........ :-*

  4. Nice idea Preetiji.Waiting or the next post.

  5. A really useful subject to be discussed...

  6. i agree with you on the fact that expectations ruin a relationship. But expectation is a natural phenomenon, doesn't matter how much we avoid it but it would eventually make it's place wherever a relationship exist. I believe you will put sufficient light on the issue in your upcoming posts. looking forward to your next post.

  7. It's so soothening, eagerly waiting for your next blog, it might answer few of questions in my mind... Thanks a lot ma'am

  8. Relationships are a major chunk of everyone's life - Whether it is between parents and children, husband and wife, brother and sister, best friends, colleagues, etc, we need to ensure one thing. That we nurture each relationship as if it will end tomorrow. We never know how long each relationship will last. Always be grateful to each one in your life - If things are not working out, try to solve it so that it can - People are precious - So are the relationships which are built between them. Try not to have expectations, because if you do, then there will always be uncertainties in relationships, and we end up spending our time thinking about that, instead of concentrating on the true meaning of each beautiful relationship. Be patient, love, think through the relationships in life and make them work, even if it means going the extra mile! :-)

  9. Yes, you are so right about the relationships. Giving space in any relationship is very important. That matters a lot rather.
    About your posts... ohh yes Preeti. I am sure like me many people, rather fan of yours die to see the notification of your post in our mailbox :)
    Eagerly waiting for posts. Please keep writing. It is way beyond inspring.

  10. Damn true!! If we expect Something from some1 we should have strength and keep patience to make that happens..!!

  11. Anonymous3:08 PM

    There was a time I expected too much from a relationship and it hurts a lot. Now, I have very little expectation so that I am happy with what life has to offer. Don't wanna hurt the self.

  12. Thanks all for your words of encouragement and all your comments.

  13. Personally speaking, I have stopped expecting anything from my partner. Yes, if he does something that makes me happy I do appreciate him. After repeated failures I have stopped expecting. This keeps me happy n going, nice n light n less irritated.

  14. Very emotional and imp. Topic. I myself looking for answers like till what level one should hold on a relationship? And till what level we should put on efforts.? Looking for answers in ur upcoming post......keep updating. Love u preeti shenoy.


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