Little things that go a long way

Today I had a long interview with one of the National newspapers. I spoke in depth about my next book. The interview was fun but also a lot of work. The thing about interviews is that you have to focus completely on what you have to say, as you would be quoted by the newspaper. Unlike when I am writing, when I have all the time in the world to choose my words carefully, in interviews, I have to think on my feet.

Today was also a stressful day as I also had to let one of my staff go. One thing I cannot stand is insolence and being rude. On top of that not being punctual.

In my books, being on time means respecting the other person. Acknowledging that their time is as valuable as yours by not making them wait.

Also another thing I cannot stand is 'chalta hai' attitude. I give my one hundred percent in everything I do. I expect the same from my staff, especially if I am paying about 30-35 percent higher than the market rate.

I think sometimes a clean break is needed, if something no longer works for you. Yes, temporarily one may be inconvenienced. Temporarily one might be in a uncomfortable place.
But when you keep living with something that you are irritated about , but do not fix, then you are accepting something less than what is optimum. It might seem like a tiny thing to fret about, but I believe it is important.

Details are important. Little things like manners and courtesy is important. Things like keeping up your word is important. Not putting down others is important.

These little things are the ones that will stand you in good stead and take you a long way. Trust me, I know.

And I leave you tonight with a lovely song by Don Williams, whose words make a lot a of sense to me. Do listen to it carefully.
I think you will like it too.

My new book 'It happens for a Reason' is out on December 10th.
Order it at a great price!



  1. Absolutely! If we are giving our best why should we satisfied withh something less!

  2. Yes ma'am fully agree when u put yr heart n soul into yr work u need an equal great result n response. Being punctual n dedicated to yr job is a must. That's what I ask my students to do. Hope my msg reaches up to them :)

  3. Very nicely said in few words. Even I get mad when someone does not work with complete dedication when I am not compromising from my side.

  4. Like the famous saying, "First Impression Makes A Lasting Impression." Just like that, it is important to keep in mind details when doing anything and always ensure it's a priority. People will always remember you if you do good things or even bad. Each detail counts and no stone should be left unturned. Thanks again for a wonderful post and I am reading it just before winding up for the day!

  5. Thank you.. thank you. Preeti. Amazingly written but some people do misunderstand it with 'Tit for Tat' attitude especially in Indian society where male gender do expect a lot from their wives than what they actually give back to their partners... Some where society needs to wake up.

    Amrit xx

  6. So true... Loved your approach towards work and people.. If i get a chance, would love to work with you. If not work, then atleast would love to see how your schedules run.because I am sure, its not an easy task. As per me, no task is easy unless you do it by heart.
    Good luck.

  7. Being punctual is such an issue...Even i hate getting late and more over i hate other people late...on top of it people think you are stubborn...Anyways ma'am thanks for the piece above :)

  8. thanks much for the song. Never heard it .

  9. hen we are humane with our maids or help,we expect a certain concern from them. There are many who have mastery over their own manners but there are many others who want mastery on the employer.Forget it as it happens for a reason from their side and foster your child well . 'It Happens for a Reason'.All the best.

  10. The first word is 'When' not hen.


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