Family versus Work. What should you choose? #askpreeti

Remember I had mentioned about   #Askpreeti series? Well, it starts  off today! Every Thursday, I shall blog my answer to a question, which you have asked. You can ask me questions with #askpreeti tag either on my FB page or tweet to me using #askpreeti

Today's question that I picked, asked by reader Dixita Mour.

Question asked : Should we choose between our passion or family? You are very successful in managing both--family and work. What should one do?

Family is the basic unit from which we start our life. What we learn from our families, helps us deal with different social situations. In a way, it is the family that is providing us the 'blue-print' to our personality. We then grow up, get a job and start our own families.

There can never be a perfect work-life balance. At any given point of time, you will always be tugged by both. For me too, it is the same.
When my children were much younger, I chose to give up my corporate career as I wanted to be around for them. Now they are much older and hence independent. I had no doubt in my mind that it was the path I wanted to take. But if you ask me whether it was easy, I would say it most definitely wasn't. Back then, when I made that choice, I gave up my economic independence for a while There was no guarantee that I would meet with success. However I was fortunate that things turned out well.

When you make a choice, you have to ask yourself these questions.
1. How important is it for you to earn well?
2.How many hours of work do you have to put in to sustain your current/desired lifestyle?
3.Are you the primary bread-winner of your family?
4.How important is it for you to be able to spend time with your family?

Once you answer the above questions, you will have a clear choice to make.

As for me, if you were to ask me whether I choose my passion or my family, I would definitely say family. But if this very family is going to hinder and stand in the way of my passion (where I am very fortunate to have a supportive family) then I am clearly going to be unhappy. In that case, I would take a call and choose that which gives me more contentment. Only if we are happy can we make our loved ones happy.
We owe it to ourselves to take care of  our own needs first. Only then can you give your hundred percent to your family as well as your passion. And if your career is your passion, it is a jackpot!



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  1. Thanks You Preeti.

    This article is so crisp and clear with the points jotted to make your mind and heart know - What exactly you want. I am so happy to PASS in all these points and chose my small and adorable family over my career for a while.. I hope my family will be supportive when I will go back to work next year (Fingers crossed) .

    Amrit xx

  2. Anonymous9:25 PM

    A tough question very skilfully answered!

  3. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Hey Preeti, it's a very good initiative..well I have a question for you but will pinge on FB chat and see if you can take it from there:)

  4. Nice post.that list of questions to ask yourself is very helpful.

  5. very rightly answered..this question is very relevant..nd m grateful to dixita fr asking u.

  6. We tend to be confused as to whether we should concentrate on family or on our work. No matter how confused we may be and after weighing the options we may not have reached an answer, but it's the tiny voice inside of us which will tell us which is more important. Trust that voice and you will be fine!

  7. Very well answered Preeti...It totally depends on our own priorities and over a period of time, things can change..
    I completely agree with you on this point that, when your family n kids need you most, you should support them n be available for them.. and time will come when they will start supporting you in pursuing your passion.

    Hey friends,
    Have a read through my recent blog post and please feel free to share your views and experiences in the comments section :-)


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