A different perspective.

This morning when I opened  Bangalore Mirror , I found myself looking at my own picture. A little later, a reader tweeted to me a link to  Deccan Chronicle  and the publishers of two of my titles, told me that the piece was in Asian Age as well.

While I had spoken to both newspapers (To Deccan Chronicle many days back and I had forgotten about it and to Bangalore Mirror last evening) I did not think both would appear on the same day.

Whenever the newspapers carry a piece about me or my books,  I always tell my mom. Today was no different. My mom was more interested in telling me about the rains in Kerala though. She talked about how the rains had lashed her village last evening and how there was no power through out the night. We inhabit two different worlds. In her world, what is important is not in mine.

I like the stark contrasts. It gives me completely different perspectives.
 And makes me focus on what really matters---my writing.

Personally I think that  my next book is my best yet. I think which each book, one hones the skill and gets better.
I can't wait to hold the physical copy in my hand. Less than a month to go now.
I am waiting.

I wonder if you are too.

Buy the book
Amazon: http://is.gd/Ithappensamazon
Flipkart: http://is.gd/Flipkartithappens


  1. definitely awaited :). As with other books, the title is very catchy, and I read the first few pages via a link you had posted a few days earlier.

    I wish I get to visit Kerala soon! Hope your mom is doing good.

  2. Shachi--Thank you! Yes, mom is doing well. Kerala is really beautiful. A *must* visit. Hope you get to go.

  3. I am so desperate to read your book but somehow I am not getting time to do so. I am hoping that atleast this weekend I will make it possible. You are an inspiration to newbie writers Preeti. Do keep up the good work. :)

  4. Firstly, Preeti, both the pics are just awsome!! I am sure like all other books this book of urs will surely rock. I never miss reading ur blog and books. Keep writing Preeti. you inspire a lot...
    Lots of Love :)

  5. Congrats on your book...looking forward to read it...


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