The two monsters


Really sorry--I have had to remove this post as it will soon appear in a book. Making it available online would have been very unfair to my publisher who has placed so much trust in me. I hope you enjoy the other posts as much as you enjoyed this one. A heartfelt thanks for your support and understanding.Thanks for continuing to read what I write.


  1. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Saw your pic. of the sunflower and read this piece today.It reminds me to choose a better way to be everyday!Makes me look at flowers differently..can't forget those clicking sessions when i was there with you:)It put loads of cheerful yellow and Mr 'Y'in my today!Thanks

  2. I'm also glad Y won for you!
    That's very true. I think most of the time N wins with me, I don't want it to win, but it tends to be stronger than Y for various sorts of reasons.
    But I'm trying to nurture Y and make it stronger :)

  3. Glad Y won this time!

    In my life, N was fed alot as a child who was constantly bullied at school. I have spent all of my life since leaving school building up the Y in me. Y? Because I am worth it!

  4. I wold definitely want Y to win....but I am not sure who will prevail at the end :)

  5. ah ofcourse,
    mr yes and mr no.

    for me its miss yes and miss no...
    or according to my preference..miss good and miss naughty.

    Y loves me, N loves me too. It is such a hassle keeping both of them happy you know.
    The Mr no you depicted here is a bit more mean than the one I got.

    am glad Y won for you.

    for me, its complicated..
    there isn't just miss good and miss evil.
    but there is also doctor love, socrate's wannabe, stuntman extraordinare, and quite recently, the writer...

    meaning, multiple people.. good, evil, lover, philosopher,daredevil and author.
    gotta keep em all happy...
    back to your post.

    bsically showing the duality of man..similar to Dr jekyll and Mr hyde.
    And true to that story, jekyll actually loved hyde...he loved his nature, but hated the fact that he hurts others in the process, so like a fool he killed himself, and hyde in the process...if only he had realised, that he should listen to hyde at times, but keep the beast in control

    I can't ignore miss naughty for long, she just shows up suddenly wearing leather demanding that I play some prank. Regardless the consequences. She gets into a catfight with Ms good, and usually wins.

    one thing I don't get though, you mentioned N critizes you... no no..that is not n...that is your G..meaning Guilt.

    am a little disheartened though...
    you wrote my post..I was working on a similar one.. with a lot more people than just Y and will have to take some time before I post..else it will seem too obvious.

  6. I love the illo with this entry? Is it your work?
    I, like Bob-Kat, dealt with a lot of bullying at school and a lot of abuse at home. Mr. N was my life-long companion and I am just now learning to tell him to sod off.
    On the days I succeed I feel so much lighter and so free.
    I think one of the hardest things for some of us to do is find value in ourselves.

  7. Got the illustration from
    I liked it too.Seemed apt for this piece.
    Good to see you back Rayne.

  8. worth thinking about.. but i think im a mix of both.. cant say which will come when..

  9. I was a Y, circumstances almost made me a N..and then friends I remade via orkut and made anew via blogging helped me remain a Y..touchwood


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