One picture is worth a thousand words

These pictures were clicked by me, on my much written about holiday!There are glimpses of the city as well as pictures I just couldn't resist clicking.I found it all fascinating.Please respect my copyright on these pictures.Thanks!

Couldn't resist clicking lots of rabbit pictures.

The lotus is the symbol of peace.Here you can see the reflection of the tree above it.It was so alluring--and peaceful to stare at it.

Found this flower unusual.Loved the juxtaposition of curves!

In the city--clicked from inside the moving car.

Another angle of a picture I posted earlier.This one is clicked from inside the monument.

Same monument.Another view.

A mosque which was on the way.Loved the unusual architechture.


  1. You can NEVER have too many rabbit pictures!

  2. Lovely pictures. I particularly like the one of the lotus flower and the reflection of the tree in the water. As you say it is so peaceful, I felt calm just looking at it. And the architecture of the buildings is amazing. I am sure you had a lovely time there.

    Thanks for adding me to your blog roll. I intend to return the compliment just as soon as I get a moment to do it!

  3. I love the pond picture...I'd chose something like that for the basis of one of my really do have a gift for photography and especially framing your pictures!

  4. Love the lotus one! OH, and of course the rabbits. :)

  5. Katherine--I know you LOVE rabbits!! Ha ha :-)Could not resist saying that :-)

    Thanks you all for your lovely comments.They are cherished.

  6. hey, ur photography skills are truely awesome.. looks like ur son has inherited them too. keep clicking both of u.. :)

  7. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Hey Hi,
    You really have nice photography skills..
    I loved the way you clicked the Mosque and the one you clicked from inside the monument where the sunlight is peeping in..its just amazing...
    By the way got your link from Harshey's blog. read your posts too..gr8 going..
    Happy New Year to you and your family.
    take best care of yourself and all your loved ones.


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