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Happiness makes up in height, what it lacks in length.To me, it is like a butterfly.Beautiful.Free.Yours to see, feel and enjoy.Never to possess.If you try to own it, you kill it.
I wrote this poem very recently.(On 22nd january 2007.)

Elusive Joy

Fractured thoughts
Dreamless sleep
Rootless love
Running deep

Eternal quest
Quiet unrest
Recurring memories
Seeking to forget

Anguish, loss
Corroding deep
Wanting more
Losing sleep

Moments march
Time ticks on
Now it’s here
Now it’s gone!

© Ps

What does happiness mean to you?


  1. hi preeti,
    my name is Ranjini (am vineeth's wife). he told me about your beautiful paintings and i had to see....you are talented. Seems like we have a lot of things in common optimism, love of mother earth, love for animals, gardening, poems, painting, etc.,..i am really sorry for your father's loss. I cannot imagine what you must be going through. Having seen vinu in the same state, i kind of have an idea what it must be like. Give yourself time, i don't know if the pain will ever go away, but am sure it will be lesser with time.

  2. hi preethi,
    my name is Ranjini (am vineeth's wife). Vineeth told me about your paintings and i had to see..your sketch of Mother Teresa is very moving. Vinu, told me about your father. I am really sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine what you must be going through. Having seen Vinu go through the same, i want to say, give yourself time to heal, the pain will never go away completely, but am sure it will lessen with time. It seems like you & me have a lot of things in common, Poetry, Love of Mother Nature and Animals, Adventure Sports, Paintings (though i don't paint), Fitness Crazy, etc., I used to write poems, but haven't been inspired lately to do so. Well, one of my poems ends like this "Happiness is a state of mind, Happiness is what you find" :-)

  3. I love this poem! It speaks to me so much. This is exactly how I felt last year when I was going through a difficult time. I was trying to be happy but at times it eluded me.

    Happiness to me is a choice. To quote Viktor Frankl "Choose to be happy". Even at our darkest hour we can choose happiness though we may not feel it at the time.

  4. Ranjini:Great to hear from you.

    Yes,time is the best healer.The funny thing is, that now, I enjoy life TO THE FULLEST.Dad's death has made me do things that i always wanted to do, but used to keep putting off.Now, I'm LIVING, am happier than before --and he'd have loved to see me this way.
    Liked the lines from your poem.

    Bob-kat:Thanks!When you dont chase happiness, it automatically comes--dont you agree?And the last two lines in my poem "now its here--now its gone" could refer to both happiness and sorrow!

  5. Ah... happiness is hardly something to waste your energies on... I choose to be an innocent bystander to the constantly changing surroundings, just waiting for it all to be over, doing my bit when i'm forced to...

  6. Mr.Fab: Thank-you--I really value your words.They are very encouraging.I simply LOVE the verses you write..Yes,Cruelty laced with wit is what they are!

    Tyler:What are you waiting for to be over?;-)And what is the bit that you do, and who forces you?:-) :-)

  7. Elusive and delicate. But there is a joy which is deeper than you can describe. I do know that you know the joy that cannot be removed..the joy of the love for your husband..your children..your health..your freedom to speak and be heard!!

  8. love the poem Preeti, you have a talent, please continue to share, its clear that you art and you ords are touching peoples lives, i hope i can do the same some day, keep it up..

  9. day-by-day: tried to open ur other blog(not the one with the pictures)but for some reason was not able to.Would love to read ur daughter's poems.

    Niall: You know too much!!

    Tim: Thank you.Your words encourage, and I appreciate it.

  10. I came back to read your poem again. It is wonderful :-) You are quite right of course about the ambiguity of the last two lines and that is the beauty of your words - they can mean different things to different people at different times.

  11. Hi Ps, beautiful poem, I believe happiness is in every simple thing that we do.

  12. so simple yet so meaningful.. the words r soo few. but still it expressed so much.. beautiful..

  13. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Happiness is very relative. What is happiess for one person can be sorrow for another. It is also the expectations one sets that measures happiness. Ignornace also dictates how one can be happy or not. Hence, I think I agree with tyler that it is a waste of energy.





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