Even if you are not a kitten.

This was not going to be a sad post. I had planned a nice happy thing to write about and had got nice photos too. I usually update my blog in the night, just before going to bed, or early the next day, if I haven’t updated, the previous night. I thought that by the time I write this, I would have cried sufficient tears and passed on my sorrow to sufficient friends, and would feel better-- so that I don’t blog about misery.

Alas, that is not to be.

I watched my kitten getting killed this morning by a stray dog. I rushed to save it, but the dog had already bitten its neck, deep. It was bleeding and writhing in pain. It could barely lift it's head, off the ground. It's body was convulsing. Violently. It was struggling, exactly like a fish struggles, when taken out of water. I couldn’t bear to watch helplessly and I rushed to get my car keys. But it had already died.
Life. So unpredictable. You are there one moment. Could be gone the next. Even if you are not a kitten!(That is one great truth my dad’s death has taught me.You can die suddenly, for absolutely no reason, like he did, even if you are perfectly healthy)

Meanwhile, my friend Tyler, in response to my yesterday’s post had already mailed me a video. It was in my inbox when I logged in. He did not know about the kitten. I told him.

He said "I hate it when I can't fix things"
I said "Me too"

Then I watched the song. It made me cry some more because it was so touching. And about wanting to fix things.

I watched it a couple of more times—mainly to drown out the piteous mewing of the mother cat. She was sitting in my garden and mewing. I really do not know if cats mourn for their babies.
Her mews attracted a male cat, and the last I saw, they were at it again. That made me smile.
Like they say, women need a reason for sex. Men just need a place.


  1. i am soo sorry abt ur kitten. the song is gud. i hope ur okay now..esp as u seem to know the reason ;)

  2. I am so so sorry. How awful that you this happened and that you witnessed it. Your grief is perfectly normal and shows what a compassionate person you are.

    I hate it when I can't fix things too. I hate that when people are feeling bad it is not always easy to fix that too. But I have learnt that you can let them know that you care and that you feel for them as I do for you now.

  3. I'm so sorry -- I hope your kids didn't have to see what happened...

  4. That's terrible news :(
    I don't know if I'd ever sleep again after witnessing such an awful thing. I'm so sorry.
    Still, you made me smile at the end of the post hahah, nice!
    I love that song :)

  5. Sue: The kids were waiting for the school bus when it happened.They were a few metres away.Luckily they did not see it struggling--but they did see the dead kitten.

    Devil mood: Life goes on!!Am glad I added ambience to the love making with my song playing full volume!!Thanks to Tyler :-)

    Bob-kat, Diya:Thank you.

  6. I am glad that I am not God!

  7. NOOOOOOOOOOO! I just hate to hear things like that - so very sad. I'm really sorry. I do like the happy ending, though. :) I know mama cats mourn for their babies. I once found 3 kittens in a trash bin - they were living there with their mom. They were so young they couldn't feed themselves. It was so cold at night I couldn't leave them there, so I took them and fed them day and night with an eye dropper. When they were old enough, I found homes for 2 and kept one. I tried to catch the mama cat, but she was too feral so I just left food for her. After I took the kittens, she would sit on top of the trash bin for hours and hours. I think she was hoping they'd magically come back.

  8. I am so, so sorry. This must have been so horrible for you to see. scientists have shown that most animals do mourn so the poor mother cat will mourn for awhile but not as long as us humans. I think they are just better at accepting things and getting over them.
    Again, I am so sorry this happened and so angry at that dog which is totally irrational but I don't care.

  9. Hi. Just stopped by to say I hope you are feeling better.

  10. Rayne: I was angry at the dog too, but only for a little while.Darwinism.What can you do.

    Bob-Kat:So sweet of you.Thanks.Am okay now.

    Katherine:It did feel like the cat was mourning.But like I said,not for long.

    Niall:Wish you were!Imagine-being able to email God! ;-)


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