The power of trust

Trust is a powerful thing. It connects two people with an unimaginable force. When you love somebody with your whole heart you also trust them. You feel safe with them—you laugh a lot, you talk, you feel good, you feel loved. You can do something or be quiet together.You can talk about everything under the sun. You are comfortable. Most importantly, you are yourself.

You might have known somebody for just a few minutes, yet you might trust them, and it completely changes the relationship. You feel you have known them for ages. You might have known somebody for ages, yet you might not really open up to them. That is because deep down, your instincts are telling you not to trust them. So you hold back.

It is so difficult to break away from what you always do and do something completely different. Like trusting, if you have always doubted before. Like carrying a pink hand-bag, and wearing pink stilettos to match, if you have never worn it before .(I did that today—I’ve never worn ‘feminine’ colors like pink. But there was this lovely really expensive pink bag which I got as a gift on my birthday. So yesterday I bought pink stilletoes and went all pink today :-) It felt so strange, but also liberating ) Try doing something you have never done before. It helps you break away from the same boring rut.

Coming back to the power of trust, this morning I carried my tea, upstairs to my bedroom on the first floor.My bedroom overlooks the garden. I was standing at my window and looking down at my husband Satish, who was in the garden having his tea and smoking (he never smokes inside the house as it is so unhealthy to expose the kids) I finished my tea and felt lazy to go all the way down again, to put my cup in the kitchen sink. So I called out to Satish.

“I’ve finished my tea. Shall I throw my cup down? Will you catch it?”

I expected him to give the usual answer “Are you crazy? It might break”. But he didn’t.
To my utter surprise, he said, ‘Go ahead, throw it down and I will catch it”

I hesitated. What a crazy idea! What if he missed? Worse—what if it landed on his head and hurt him?
I said “No—I’ll come down and put it in the sink”
He said “Why? Don’t you trust me? ”
I did. With my life. I’ve been in love with him for nearly twelve years now.

So I threw the cup down.
He caught it.
The power of trust.

Satish,after he caught the cup, this morning.Click to enlarge.


  1. very true. there is gr8 power in trust.. n as i turn the pages of life i understnad relationships better n am now in a position to comment on a post abt trust. :-)
    N hey ur clock is cute... n send me pics of u in pink ;)

  2. didn't click any pictures in pink!Did not want to be that liberated!(Unlike Aerosmith who sang "pink is my favourite colour"):-)

  3. On your blog after a long time.Realised that I have a lot to read to be updated.Will go through your articles part by part.Trust always,nothing like it to succeed in any venture.By the way my brother's name is Satish.Can we take it as one more coincident ??

  4. Trust..this reminds me of the story of the man who falls over a cliff, but manages to catch hold of a root on the way down..he hangs there for a while and shouts for help. He hears voice.."I am here!".."who are you ?can you help me?" Shouts the man. The voice replies: "I am God..I can help you!"..The man relies.."How can you help me?"..God replies.."You must trust in what I ask you to do" The man says "Yes.anything, just say the word!"..God says.."Let go of the root!"..The man shouts back"Are you mad?"..God says "No..have trust in me..let go of the root"....the man thinks for a while then shouts ..."Is there anybody else up there?"

    Sometimes trust means stepping out of the known into the unknown or untried. Satish caught the cup!..It's a good job you didn't throw your breakfast down to him..he might have been left with egg on his face!

  5. Firstly I would have thrown the plate ONLY if I had FINISHED breakfast.Therefore no chance of satish getting egg on his face!Secondly,I knew he would catch it, the moment he asked me if I did not trust him-- that is the power of trust ;-)

  6. What a fabulous post Ps! It says so much between the lines.

  7. yup..the power of trust... pretty strong. However the real question is...
    suppose you know that he is very bad at catching stuff, would you still have thrown the cup? Even if its a priceless cup?
    heh..just messing with ya.
    I know trust..
    trust is to throw a cup and expect him to catch it.
    Trust is to sit still and not show fear when your girlfriend approaches you with a razor to shave your beard...

    hey don't takes a lot of trust to let a woman come near your neck with a sharp object..heheh


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