Where do weekends vanish?

So the weekend flew.
How does time vanish? It feels like someone has turned it into liquid and poured it down the drain. It disappears that fast!

So I sat back and took stock of what I did and where it all went.  I realized that mine had been a pretty packed one. I think if your weekend is packed you should be allowed to take Monday off.
I swear I had intended to! But come Monday and I was drowned in work. I did not even look up upto  three thirty. (When my children come home from school--that is when I stop working)

Let me tell you what all I did over the weekend.

I watched a play on Friday at Alliance Francaise Bangalore. It was called 'Cheating cheaters' and was by Masquerade, a  Chennai based theater group.

One of my closest friends had called me and asked me to go and watch if I could. Her son was in the play.  Of course I made it. Front row seats too. He was brilliant! I was so proud of him.
I have carried him as a little baby (so many times) and watched him grow. My heart really filled with pride to watch him give a stellar performance as an adult. He later told me he was so happy I could make it and I told him how proud I was of him and my friendship with his mother.(It is a friendship of thirty years! I feel blessed to have her in my life)

On Saturday, I executed two card orders. But I cannot show them to you yet, as they haven't yet been given out to the intended recipients by the people who ordered them. But I can share with you, two other cards I made.
This one was for a eleven year old girl--my daughter's 'bestest friend'.
"Mama--make the BEST possible card ever," my daughter ordered.

How could I NOT oblige? For all I know this might be the foundations of a friendship which will last a lifetime for her. (Like my friendship of 30 years). 

Needless to say my daughter loved it. So did her friend. Nikita's mother said this one is going to be framed!

Here are a few more cards I  had made earlier.
A close up showing details

On Saturday as well as on Sunday I also shopped, which is usually an activity I hate doing.
But  this time it was fun as I had some very efficient personal shopping assistants who also double up as my fashion consultants. They tell me what looks good on me and what doesn't suit me at all or makes me look fat :) Yeah, they are very honest like that. Sometimes a bit too honest for my liking :)
But they are almost always right.And it helps that one is a male and other a female. I get a balanced opinion you see :)

And then, I also read two books.  (yes, TWO!) :)
I read a lot. At any given point in time, each room in my home will have a book I am currently reading. I cannot be without reading.

I read Lynne barret lee's 'Out on a limb' (it was only an okay read. I am a big fan of her writing though). I also read 'The Power' by Rhonda Bryne.

Currently I am reading  this one:

There is only word for it--BRILLIANT! (Both the illustrations as well as the writing).

What did you do over the weekend? Where did yours vanish?
Movies? Plays? Books?

Tell me! I want to know :)
Ps: If you still don't know about my Ted talk, go watch!
If you like my blog, you might enjoy my books :) Grab them here. (You don't need a credit card. You can pay cash on delivery) or if you are an Amazon Fan, you can grab them here
 And you can interact with me on my FB page. I always reply :)


  1. Lovely cards..i liked them on fb too

    and this weekend??.....I wrote my first fiction....and submitted for a contest by indiblogger.....
    Do check if u can ;-)

  2. How was "The Power"? Looking forward to pictures in the new outfits ;).

    Our weekend was spent doing one of the most frustrating things in this country - dealing with car salesmen/dealerships. But in the end, we bought a new car and drove it home so I could say it was very productive :)!

  3. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Lovely cards, Preeti! My six year old daughter loves quilling and she was thrilled to see your cards on FB.

    I finished reading two books too :-). Mainly because I have to return them to the library today.

    Didn't take a break from writing as I have a deadline(self-set but non-negotiable).

    Rest of the time, I followed my 9 month old as he crawled, trying to keep him out of trouble.

  4. Lovely cards, In weekend I was in Bangalore. I went on job hunt and today morning I got back. Saturday I had to write my test and deadline to submit my test was 6 p,m.

    I then went to landmark, I do not know why but I was hoping to see you preeti. hehe I know i am kind of funny. Anyways I will surely make for ur next book launch :)

  5. Hi.. I m ur new fan and friend; after reading ur 2 books, searched about you today on net :) and thought of saying Hello once and share u that I like your writings.

    BTW, my weekend went with Bubblegum and candies and also with super play - "The life of Galileo" @ Rangashankara.

  6. Hey Preeti, beautiful cards:) and I loved the Birthday one so so much!!!! The cake, the ballon...they look so colourful and lovely!!

    I agree with you weekends..really end too soon...and this weekend toh ended too too soon:(

    My weekend was full of fun...a short trip to the woods, and lots of masti with the little one.

    Take care

  7. Gayu: And it was extra special too--your birthday :) Hope you had a wonderful tome Your stuff is ready. Will tell you the amount and will mail it to you soon.

    Manasa: Life of galileo sounds interesting!

    Sridevi: All the best! And yes, I do go to landmark. But more than landmark, i visit Forum value mall crossword and Bangalore Central (bellandur) crossword :)

    Oijuggle: Tell your daughter to keep up the good work. OMG--your son is nine months and you are still able to write?!:-0 That's amazing and awesome.

    Shachi: I loved it. but then i am a huge fan and believe of Rhonda bryne! New pinch on your new car~!

    Priyaa: All the very best for your fiction contest!

  8. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Preeti, you Ted talk was the clincher to my writing discipline snags.

    I heard your talk on June 24. It took a day to organise my thoughts and decide. From June 26 I have been waking up at 4 am every single day and write for 2-3 hours without distractions.

    Whenever I feel lazy, I think of you writing for 5 hours! If that is not motivation, what is?

  9. I spent my weekend at Pang gong lake in Ladakh - near the china border. :)
    Spectacular it was !

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. your truly an inspiration ...

    i have read all your 3 book and i must say they are awesome ...though couldn't relate to the 3rd one much ..( i am 21, marriage is something i still cant relate to:))

    i follow your blog regularly and so do my friends ....
    i think your writing appeals to people from any age group !!!

    loved your ted talk..truly inspiring !! :)

    weekend ...well , it just flew :(
    lunch with friends , shopping , read " secret of nagas " FINALLY !! :)

  12. Weekend hmm it just went past by..Don't think I did anything productive sigh

    lovely cards..loved it..

  13. @anu: Wasted time is not time wasted :) It is needed :) Thanks!

    @devil on heels: Thanks a lot :) Yes, TFT is for the slightly older people. :)

    @ruchira: WOW!!! :) Super!:)

  14. I loved the roses on the card. They are lovely:)

    Weekend..hmm..I watched a wonderful play about Galileo, at rangashankara on saturday... And spent the whole of sunday preparing for an entrance exam.

  15. Aishwarya: Oh! Scroll up and read comments. manasa also watched same play! Good luck for your exam!

  16. Oh, u must have read 'The Magic' too, then! I just love that theory of attraction, and experimenting with it in my life! :-)
    Preethi, cards designed by you are just awesome!


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