Thank Lord for tomorrow

And some days will be such days that nothing will go right. Everything will seem lousy. Even the good things. Even the obviously good things. But you will feel as though you have been flattened on the ground by a road roller. Maybe emotionally. Maybe physically.

Just be glad that the day is over and tomorrow is a fresh start.

Wipe off the slate today. It is over. Gone. It exists only in memories now. So leave it behind. Do not dwell on it. Focus your attention on those things that you can do something about.

You can make a change from this very moment if you so wish.
Right now.

It is as good a time as any.

So go have that glass of wine (or  do whatever you do to relax).
Listen to good music.
Take ten deep breaths.

Let go.

It's all going to be okay!

Good night.

Ps: If you still don't know about my Ted talk, go watch!
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  1. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Nice post. But I feel sometimes you should clear the mess before moving ahead otherwise it may haunt you again and again.

  2. True..But some messes are best swept away uncleared.

  3. thnx Preeti! u just pull me out of my bad tyms!! :) thnx a zillion!

  4. Really nice. Just what I wanted to hear. But it gets really hard at times to say to yourself - don't worry, it's gonna be alright.

  5. Beautiful thought - I completely agree to you. Sometimes its very important to just simply let bygones be bygones and move ahead in life.

  6. This is really great preethi!

  7. Nice thought mam
    i truly believe in positivity and moving on

    P.S.: your books are amazing

  8. The more we try to clear the mess...the more it becomes messy, so its better to leave it untouched.

    Let today be a new start..!!!
    Goodmorning and have a nice day!!!

  9. Thanks Preethi !! These words are really an energy booster for me :) :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Thanks Preeti... Sometimes consoling words like this comes from unknown persons, than from dear ones whom we expect to say such words..!!
    Hope tomorrow will be a good day... !!!

  12. Its not everyone's smile that can ease the pain in ur heart.. but i see such a smile with you preeti and YES IT IS VERY SOOTHING to me!!! btw THANXX fr the post ..!!

  13. Anonymous9:47 PM

    I just read your article "Thank Lord for tomorrow", but i say that if you can't respect, enjoy your today given by a kind god, whatever it is, why he should give you another chance at following day, every day!!!

  14. I smiled through the post:)
    Nice one :P

  15. Aishwaya: Makes it worth it :)

    mapurva: yes, I guess we should be grateful we have another day.

    Marzia: my pleasure. Happy to help!

    Remya: It was! :) Glad it helped.

  16. Sujatha: happy to hear that!

    Gayu: its sometimnes hard. One keeps trying to clear it and it becomes more messy!

    Siddhant:Thanks a lot!

    Suren: Glad!

    me: yes--but sometimes easier said than done.

    Sia: my pleasure!

    Anil: yes--thats why you need me :)


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