

A Guest Post by Prem

 And it lays dying before you.
 That which you nurtured and cherished.  
 That which you fed from blood of your bosom.

Like a stillborn child.
Only this one, you never buried.

Like a wound that has gone to fester.
Only to be missed if it ever were to heal.

Like a millstone that has been carried for so long,
That the very thought of lightness becomes terrifying.

Like poisoned water to a parched throat.
Like spiritual sermon to an irredeemable soul.

In pain and in succor. In disease and in health.
Like a shadow that never leaves you. Not even to shield from the light.

Like a little jar of darkness. Harnessed firmly to your soul.
Whose fanning black fumes, engulf all that ever was dear.

When you crave to feel something, anything.
Excruciating as it may be.

When feeling becomes the only sign of life still left,
You bleed just to know you are alive.

 © 2012 Prem

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  1. A very heart aching poem. I became still for some seconds. one of my family friend have come across like this situation.

    She had to see her new born getting buried in front of her. It is real painful event for her which she never forgot and now a bipolar patient even though She did conceive later and was blessed with twins but its too late.

  2. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Sorrowful and intense! Clever exemplification of the dark emotions evokes similar feelings in the reader.

    Now I feel like asking, why? And what can I say to comfort you?

    Whatever it is, hope you feel better soon, Mr. Kamath.


  4. Wow, this is beautiful.
    "like a stillborn child... This one you never buried."

  5. A heart touching one...

    I just wanna say...loved the way you wrote "Life is what you make it"...I've become a huge fan of yours...

    Do visit mine sometime....


  6. Noopur: Thank you :) Will try to :)

    Sucheta: i also liked that line.

    ArunKumar: Will tell Prem :)

    Oijuggle: I don;t know why! :) But I agree with you :)

    Sridevi: That is tragic. but I guess you know bipolar isn't caused because of witnessing something. It is caused due to a chemical imbalance in the brain.

  7. yup i do know. I even had same doubts. I was told by her parents that she was in depression for a longer time and she did not have anyone to help. Not even her husband. There are so many things but its not important than knowing her state like this. she was once a a singer with melodious voice. Soft spoken person. But now everything is changed.

    When I had some heart to heart talks with her, she revealed no one ever spoke to her from years like I did. Obviously I treat her and call her my elder sis. :)


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