Have you taken stock lately?

Having got back from an amazing holiday, where I had a lot of time to lie in a hammock, gaze at the blue blue sky punctuated with the deep green coconut trees, accompanied by the gentle lap-lapping sounds of the waves of the beautiful backwaters, as they kissed the rocky embankment, I  discovered the luxury of time, as well as a  lot of answers to questions I always pondered about.

The hammock that brought introspection

I thought about all the people who were in my life who arent there anymore.
I thought about all the people who I thought would remain, but who left.
I thought about the ones I thought who had left for good but came back, with connections stronger than ever.
I thought about the ones I presumed were insignificant but who ended up playing a major role.
I thought about the ones who shaped me, ones who made me laugh, the ones I considered my very own and finally the ones who betrayed, sometimes the last two being the one and the same.

I am certain there are people like that in your life as well.

 I do think it is very important to pause once in a way and take stock.
We are after all the average  of five people we most spend our time with.
(read the article which is hyper-linked. It is worth your time)

Like it or not, people around us do shape us.
Make us what we are and they also have the potential to take us to where we want to go.

But the good thing is:

We get to choose these people.
(Not our parents of course, but the ones we hang out most with.)

We get to filter what inputs that ANYONE gives us.
We get to hear a lot, but we can choose to listen to what we want.

We can choose out filter settings too--to high, low, medium or zero.

Lying on that hammock, I decided my filters.
I decided the people that I want in my life and to what extent I would let them affect me.
I decided what really mattered.
And what really counted.

 I decided to listen to my heart.
Mostly, I  decided to LIVE.

Life is indeed too short to not do the things you badly want to do.

I could lie here forever with a good book for company

Have you  done it lately?

You don't need a hammock really.
You just need some time by yourself--alone with your thoughts.

Take stock.
Trust me, it is worth it.

If you still don't know about my Ted talk, go watch!
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  1. Yup! So true. A very good idea indeed. Thanks for such a beautiful insight. I am kind of a person who has a hard time saying NO. But have decided lately to do it tactfully.And to be with people who really really matter. Who love me for what I am. And not with people who keep judging all the time. Life is really too short to please unwanted people in life.

  2. Hi Preeti,

    This is very first time that I am writing to/for you. Your article "Have you taken stock lately" made for a good read. It made me think all over again about the people who are influencing my life in one or the other way.
    One more thing, have read all your three books. Tea for two and a piece of cake was just outstanding. God bless....

  3. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Good to see you back after having a wonderful time holidaying.

    It would take me some time to get to a hammock. So I might try it in my favourite chair. I love the idea of filters for people. It is true that some interactions are deeply enriching whereas others are physically, emotionally and spiritually draining. It is so true that we become what/who we surround ourselves with.

  4. Absolutely true.. stocking is necessary once in a while..nice post... Visit My blog @wwww.chirpyparo.blogspot.com

  5. Solitude and spending quality time with yourself is extremely extremely important !
    And to have a holiday like this ..sigh ..... :)

  6. Very much true Preeti..

    I think no one can exit without entering their comments after reading your posts. The PS effect is really captivating..

    I liked these lines..
    Lying on that hammock, I decided my filters.

    If we set these filters in our life we wont be wasting precious moments of our life.

  7. hi Preeti,,,
    well said we need to pause sometime to thank all those people whom we call true buddies...,, wee, it happened to me so many times we i paused and decided that who gonna stay in my life , who made me happy, who really don't deserve to be there and i really did that ,,,,,,
    I happily said good bye to them and they accepted as well and the moment i realized how good my decision was,,,,,,i had cute memories with them and will be with me forever i feel proud that without hurting them i am moving head,,,,,
    Life goes on ......just need to decide what kind of life you really want

  8. You are very true! I used to feel guilty about who I spend my time with and on what I spend my attention. But now, I am growing into my own power and freedom. Your words ring true for me!

    Lovely post and lovelier picture!

  9. Very well said! Wise words...nice read...and lovely pictures!:)

  10. Loved the pic Preeti!

    I truly agree each one of us needs to find some "me" specially dedicated to us and listen to what our heart is saying. It is very important to do that as sometimes our heart has answers to some of the most weird problems we seem to be facing in real life.

    And about those filters, that's a fine art we all need to learn :)

  11. Anonymous6:20 AM

    How to get your book from singapore?? any source??

  12. The pictures just convey everything you have written about! Nature is so intense and fine-detailed. A very nice read.

  13. Very well said :)
    I often do such introspections and really find that it makes for a much smoother life. Once again a nice read.

  14. Thought provoking, soul searching lines. Well written. Keep it up.

  15. ''I thought about the ones who shaped me, ones who made me laugh, the ones I considered my very own and finally the ones who betrayed, sometimes the last two being the one and the same''.....So true Preeti!!!

    Really breaks a person...Lovely post was a pleasure reading!!!

  16. Amey:It will break you only if you let it. Thanks.

    Rajeev:Thank you!

    Anil: Thanks!

    Dhivya:Thank you!

    Shaktii: Amazon!

    Me: I agree!

  17. Tarang: Thank you!

    Vidya: yes--we need to.'

    Manisha: I too have taken that call.

    Devangana: Awww-- PS effect! *blushes* :)

    Ruchira: Go!! :) U deserve it!

    Oijuggle: Chair works just as well!

  18. Priyanka: thank you!

    kishore: Glad you liked the book

    Krupa: life is too short to be with the ones you don't like!

  19. Beautifully written! Yes, we do need to take a "stock" and I believe we need to do it every single day! At the end of the day, we must realise our means and ends.. We must analyse who we are and what we deserve.. We must acknowledge that special spirit that often dies only because of those who are not meant to be much bothered about!


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