The sad story of a once happy heart


I am sorry I had to remove this poem as it is under consideration for publication.
© 2009 Preeti Shenoy

For more poems click here. Some poems have already appeared in print.

If you're into poetry publishing and want to buy the rights to this poem please mail me on
ps @


  1. almost 2 hours since the post has been up and still no comment!
    That was a brilliant poem.
    Although I disagree with the lines
    //But you cannot bind a heart with reason
    It only feels, it does not remember.//
    The heart is capable of feeling even what is not there at all in the first place. So it can very well feel what has been but isn't anymore - that is how they say you remember people after they are gone. (IMHO) :)

  2. Sob Sob - Blink Blink.

  3. ohhh, the complexities of emotions in our heart !!
    sometimes it can be overwhelming, isint it?
    :) nice poem.

  4. Nice poignant poem Preeti.

  5. Good to be one of the early birds here... I never was good at understanding poems :( all that i felt was it was about trying to hold on to something, or some kind of burning desire, something which has caused a lot of pain and suffering..
    I may be woefully wrong about it.. :(

    On a rather sadistic note : 2012 is when world is going to end..or so is the claim by many learned idiots!!! i for one do not believe it.... its Y2K all over again..these same people went gaga over it saying world will be destroyed and blah blah..but it has not happened..i feel the same abt 2012..

  6. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Lovely poem, Preeti. It sure is painful when what one thought was, wasn't ... :(

  7. Very well put Preeti! I especially liked the last four lines.

    BTW you have an award waiting (not that you need one!) for you at my page here:

  8. Loved it!!!
    Stand up and applaud, its such a simple and lucid poetry yet it says volumes.

  9. This poem speaks my heart, couldn't have been better!!

    Wonder, if you could share what made you write this poem- Is it an extremely talented poetess who is capable of placing herself in someone else shoes and penning down her vivid imaginations and thoughts, or is it a woman with an incredibly beautiful heart, penning down her emotions, as her heart felt them?

  10. A desperate pursuit, to keep a flame glowing. It's only much much later that one realized, how futile the attempt was. Because, the core has already been split, the trust has already been broken..

    Wonderfully expressed :)

  11. what has happened! such a sad poem from u! is that jus a fiction?

  12. aww poor heart :( But it wasn't its fault now, was it?
    that's a hell lot of stuff put into just a few lines :)

  13. Ajay: The head remembers people long after they are gone. The heart feels their presence and longs for it. Heart does not know that it can never come back. Therefore foolish heart.

    Ramesh: Are you making fun of me? :(

    Swathy: Indeed. Thank you.

    Gayathri: Thank you.

    Shantharam: Yes your interpretation is very much right.World ends in another four years?! :) I better make good use of my time then :)

  14. Thoughtful train: Thank you so much. You are one of the few who get exactly what I try to convey and this is each single time. I really value that!

    Shail: very much honoured m'am! Thank you! Appreciation is mutual. Can I award it back to you, after accepting?!You completely deserve it too!

    Rashmi:Thank you so very much! :)

    Vidya: Guess my poems capture what most feel at some point. I do write only when I feel :) But I can empathise too. :)

    Aditya:Thank you so much. :)

    Tranquility: Thanks a lot! :)

    Srivats: please do not kill a poem by dissecting it! Please let it live!! :) :)

    Shruti: no--it wasn't its fault. It got what it deserved. I guess :P :)

  15. oh did i!! he he..
    a little correction..we have just a little over 3 yrs if these predictions are true...i never was watching news i cant even bear to be in the same room..all the comments and interpretation is driving me mad...
    if the world ends in 3yrs..i better find a girl friend soon..some love shall never hurt if you are abt to die ;) :P :D

  16. Preeti: Very touching poem. Somehow speaks the state of my own self today !!

  17. We all experience this intensity of loss that you articulate so movingly at some point in our lives and then many times over and yet we are able to pick up the pieces and find other things to believe in and love. But sometimes I think deep down the hurt never disappears.

  18. WOW. You know what? I do not enjoy reading poetry. But after reading your poems here on your blog, I feel like picking up a poetry book. Out of all the creativity you share with us - blogs, cards, art, poetry - I think I love your poetry the best!!!!!

  19. How sad and empty. So few words can convey so much!

  20. As always..a beautiful poem..

    I liked these lines

    //Why did the warmth feel so real?

    How is it that it cannot be explained?//

  21. Sundari: thank you :)

    Niall: Yes..thank you. It was indeed meant to evoke sadness.

    Shachi:Thank you! I have had an offer for poetry publishing. Not decided yet. :)

    J: true. It just hides and emerges when you least expect it.

    Dil se:Thank you.

    Shantaram: yes :) Better be quick :D

  22. Why does it deserve to be numbly paralysed? Why?
    Does that mean there is no hope, ever?

  23. This is an extension of Ramesh's comment


  24. Reflections: it's just a poem. It is meant to evoke sadness.

    Sparkling: I don't know. When I write poetry words just come almost effortlessly and I write them down. These were the words that came.

  25. Just saw ur answer to Ramesh's comment & thot mayb u think I was doing it, never Preethi I was not doing anything like tht.
    "Kalliaakeyae, nyannae???
    Shiva, shiva"
    [read it like tht illom style malayalam]



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