Happy Birthday Gia! (Wordless wednesday no.14)

Happy birthday to the one in the centre :-)

She turns three today.

( I could not really be wordless, even though this is my post for Wordless wednesday)


  1. :) :) :)

    loved this pic...

    thought i'll leave this smilefull and commentless, but couldn't

    happy birthday, lil Gia :)

  2. Happy birthday to her !! Gia is a nice name and I think the photo is really cute ! Were they actually sitting like this or were they asked to pose.

  3. Suma: :-) One of my fav pics too! :-)

    Ruch: You guess --will tell you if you're right :) Yeah--i love this pic too :)

  4. i think they were asked to pose :-)
    But if its a natural - then amazing photograph !

  5. Ruch: Oh no!! They were NOT asked to pose! :) I was watching them for very long(i was on the bed) and kept clicking.They did not know at all. The three of them were chatting--I could not hear what they were saying, perhaps my son was telling them a story, I dont know--and suddenly they did this :) That is why it remains of of my fav fotos :)This was in January this year in Mumbai.

  6. Ya.. on hindsight the photograph is too natural. It cldnt have been posing for the camera. My niece and nephew do such things very often – and now suddenly I am missing them a lot – it’s a very tug at the heart sort of photo u know :-)

  7. Such an awesome pic :)
    They are so engrossed in their story :)

  8. Happy Birthday Gia...

    may you also become a great person and also a blogger some day ;)

  9. Time flies! 3 years....Happy bday to Gia!I just realised my only nephew is also born on Oct 7 and he turns 4 today!

  10. Happy birthday to the little angle :) that picture says thousand words :)

  11. awwwww!!!! This should be treasured!!!! It makes me truly wordless but me being me :) would like to give all of them a nice hug and an extra special one to Gia for her special day.... Happy birthday Gia

  12. Aaawwww.

    Zhu ni shangri kuai le Gia !
    Zhu ni shangri kuai le Vinoo's nephew !!

  13. That is a lovely picture!
    Happy birthday to your dear niece!
    My daughter is now about the same age as Gia when you took the picture. They look so naughty and we feel so tender and warm just watching them.
    God bless her and her brother and sister!

  14. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Awesome pic!
    Happy birthday,Gia!

  15. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Happy B'day lil Gia.. Wishing you a year full of laughter, joy and good health!!

    The picture is really cute! I am imagining your kids were punished and little Gia thought it was a game and went right in!! ;-) :D

  16. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Oh okay... Saw the background story of the photo. My imagination is a lil out of whack! :D

  17. Happy B'day Gia !!

    What did they see on the other side ?
    Was it a cricket match..someone dropped a catch ? :)

    Nice Snap!!

  18. Awww sho shweet:-))!!!!!

  19. Awwwwwww..Happy B'day to li'l Gia..and wish her a lifetime of happiness and joy!

  20. Happy Bday Gia.. my son turns 5 today.. Oct 7th si a special day!! Precious photo.. wishing her happiness always!!!

  21. Happy happy birthday Gia

  22. Happy Birthday....cutie pie!!

  23. aah! This is ur bro's kid! :D
    and I remember this pic :) so cute!
    Happy birthday to cute lil Gia!! :)

  24. Happy birthday to Gia! And a priceless picture :)

  25. our love to Gia. God Bless

  26. awwwww...Such a cute pic !..

    Happy Birthday Gia ! May God be with you always !

    Now I'm missing my baby cousins, who're not 'babies' anymore :(

  27. Awww. this is such a cute pic !!
    Only childhood can be so relaxed, carefree and beautiful !!
    A very happy B'day to Gia ..

  28. J :)

    Rohit: :-)

    Shantharam, Chitra,Pavi:Thank you :)

    Preethi: A very happy birthday to ur son!

    Reflections :)

    Sundari: No--i think it was some construction site considering this was clicked at mumbai :)

    Thoughtful train: Oh no! I don't believe in 'punishing' kids :)

    Athivas,Ramesh, Anil Kant: Thank you :)

    Wanderlust: oh they are especially adorable at that age--aren't they!

    Prats, Srivats: A big thank you!

    Vinoo;: yes--time does fly! Happy b'day to your nephew.

    Shalini, Ashish: :-)

    Meira: yep! :)

    Ruch: Yes--i can relate!

  29. Brilliant pic really. Happy birthday Gia. May you celebrate 100 such birthdays with every happiness you deserve. :)

  30. Aditya: See 5th comment for story behind the pic :) thank you :)

    Rajashree,Shachi, Shruti: Thank you :)

    Pavi, Dil se :Thank you :)

    Mistresss of Art: yes :) I am missing my brother's kid too :)

  31. Happy Birthday to the little one They are all so cute. It's seems like a lovely balcony and view. Happy WW. PS I like your poetry too.

  32. Happy Birthday Nanhi pari!

  33. Lots of wishes to Gia.
    I loved the name "Gia"!!

  34. Happy belated b'day, Gia! :)
    The pic is so cute :)

    Now, are they thinking or relaxing? Hmmm...

  35. are they thinking something or are they punished. BTW Janam Din ki hardik subhkamanye Gia

  36. Happy Belated Birthday to Gia!
    I hope she had the best birthday a 3 year old can have :)

  37. Happy belated birthday to Gia :)3 is SOOOO young :D

  38. Nice pic!! Hope the little one had a super birthday.

  39. jus loved your pick of the day...song im fallin for you. uve a great mix, almost love all of them! :)

  40. Happy B'day Cutie :)

  41. Sweet pic :D

    Just wanted to say I finally received your LOVELY card...I think my better half is jealous just a teeny weeny bit :D

  42. Shades of grey: it reached only now!:-O

    Dhanya : :-)

    Onlooker: :-) A special thank you :)

    Mini: :-) Guess she did.

    Tranquility: Yes :)

    Only one: thanks you :)

    Santosh, Sparkling: See 5th comment from top for story behind pic.

    Shunty: yes it is a lovely name :)

    Rekha: Thank you

    Sukhmandir: thank you :)

  43. cute pic...loved the composition...


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