Lazy Crazy Sunday

Really sorry--I have had to remove this post as it will soon appear in a book. Making it available online would have been very unfair to my publisher who has placed so much trust in me. I hope you enjoy the other posts as much as you enjoyed this one. A heartfelt thanks for your support and understanding.Thanks for continuing to read what I write.


  1. My Sunday started two hours ago when I woke up and am still in bed browsing around. Nothing as great as yours to blog about!!

  2. first one to comment!!!..:)

  3. just day dreaming and feeling guilty for wasting time!!!:(

  4. Well, it wasn't such a bad sunday though, was it?

    hahaha I love your spirit, Preeti :) And your kids do too, of course!

  5. I loved those days when my kids were little. We had a tent, but they always liked a blanket between two or three kitchen chairs even more.

    I can't wait to begin warming up around here... our spring is springing and flowers are blooming, but real heat is not to be found yet.

    You said it was good for their GK -- what does that stand for?

    Have a good week!

  6. Well, I just finished a night shift (Sun night) and now it's Monday morning here in Oz - I've got some housework to do today (a single guy's chores are just never done, lol) and then I've got to find some inspiration for tomorrow's NaPoWriMo poem.


  7. swimming!!!!! :D...

    liked your way of dancing sunday through...

    and the song does make you want to scream along...i live on the 12th floor....;)

  8. Hmmmm....mine was spent with my parents & I just loved it. Where is my share of the biryani and Mango Milk Shake? :-)

  9. My Sunday is over and I've been pretty busy to look at ur blog at 10 45 at night :(
    Alphonso - my mouths just watering
    Piano Man - Finally one more person who likes Billy Joel and his songs.
    Kids studying - They r good kids. They balance their life good
    K (& not the watchman) - He should have the Jack Daniels to beat the cold :D

  10. The song was too. But the flash creation was wonderful. Wonderful enough to find its way on my blog. :)


  11. Nothing much on a Sunday. I did have some fun listening to some video that my kids showed me on Saturday :) Funny, I just can't get the music out of my head now :( Check this out.

  12. Ahh lovely day indeed. We had bunch of folks at home for dinner on saturday. Sunday was aerobics, long lazy afternoon and a good stroll at the park. Praying for some sunshine today lol:)

  13. Ahhh lovely sunday indeed. We had a bunch of folks on saturday for dinner. Sunday was aerobics, lazy long afternoon nap & a good stroll at the park. Praying for some sunshine today lol :-)

  14. Anonymous12:19 PM

    That's quite a song to learn! Well done. I can just imagine you head banging to it!

  15. Your kids are so so so very cute!!!
    And you had a great sunday.
    I went shopping, breaking the no-more-senseless-shopping promise to myself and filled up the car back seat totally with stuff I'll never wear or use. It was Sarojini Nagar shopping after all. :P

  16. My parents have come over from Bangalore to stay with us for 2 months. So every weekend is booked by our relatives here. Last weekend(friday here, not sunday) we went to Ajman & Umm al Qwain & spent the day with our relations. Kids enjoyed it thoroughly.

    Some evenings after i come back from work when i find them cranky, I put on LOUD music & we dance our hearts out. THUD THUD THUD x 1/2an hr. After that i'm beat.
    And yes, when i want them out of my hair for sometime, I too pitch a tent(a BEEEG bedsheet over the backs of 3 chairs stratgically placed)for them. They love it. They spend 30 mins transferring all their toys into the tent, then another 30 mins arranging it, So all in all i get some 90 mins to myself:-). Let me stop before I write my full life story here:-P

  17. it was a fun sunday....ohh boy infact i did imagine u and the kids doing that dance and the security guards expression LOL....ohh i sure would love to have a lazy sunday..Since i have off on fridays only its a busy weekday here on sunday...

  18. woke up late.. had a sumptous breakfast...
    a delicious lunch..
    played with my 3yr old cousin.. who really knows how to blabber!!
    and then left mumbai for pune with mum, who is gonna be in town for about a week now!!
    yup.. dat sums up the day as such!!

  19. Anonymous6:53 PM

    I know of one kid who's totally tripping to my music :D Would love to hear you play my tracks for the kids.

    Yep it's snowing in the UK and it's sooo friggin' hot out here :(

    What was I up to.. a wonderful and a tiring weekend, but no complaints really.

  20. Haha...Too much fun u have I say :)
    Its been ages since i danced! Its hard for me to get hubby to shake a leg(Hes too shy, yeah!!!), we don't have kids and my friends ain't around!

    Wknd was fine.Satur we shopped yet another gift for hubby!His b'day was 2 weeks back!n Sunday was lazzzzy!Watched the movie "Race". It was actually okie-dokie

  21. Wow!!! Wewere having a long weekend, since this Monday was our New its been one happy time for us.
    Kids spent time with grandparents and lots of tradition...and today has been the same. Now I 'm baby sitting 3 big kids at home....and its been fun.

  22. You have such an interesting life :-)

    i am glad that you take part in activities with your kids. I am sure it means a lot to them and mostly parents overlook these little things.

    God Bless!

  23. Sunday with S away became a

  24. Used to be (and maybe still is) one of my favorite songs. In fact, my blog alias comes from the lyrics of this song. :)

  25. Ahaaaa loved it - loved the song, love billy joel and now this was cool too - thanks for sharing.......

    well did not visit you on sunday - but it was preeety mundane i guess

  26. Last sunday was spend in deep thought and strategy. I was wondering where exactly I should let my husband have it, when he walks thru the door. He spend all of saturday and sunday organising and playing cricket. Neha was bored and it was too hot to venture out.
    But it looks like u guys were on a roll and also seemed to have provided some free entertainment to the security guard. :D

  27. super mom !!!
    i bet you had a good time,being a kid with them...

    //Not steered actually, propelled, rocketed or pushed would be more like it//ha ha....the same story everywhere!!!!

    i love 'we din start the fire'.

  28. Nothing much :).
    This post gets a perfect 10. I am holding up a placard :)

  29. well, as i mentioned earlier, my suindays been full of delivering new born babies and gossip[ing in between.. beggars cant be choosers. i did infact start singing to the "billy joel" video u linked.. somehow i forgot for a few secs i was in a CYBERCAFE !!! It'll b awhile before i walk in here again

  30. wow, that what i call an action-packed sunday :P

    and nothing can beat singing aloud and dancing to an old favorite!

    sunday for me was very good... spent time at in-laws' place with them, my folks, my brother and his family and all of us together.... these kind of occasional get-togethers also are fun!

  31. what would I give for some Indian mangoes :)

    I spent most of my Sunday trying to bake this sourdough bread - but I guess my starter wasn't right or something. It turned into 'lead bread'.

    Other than that we watched a movie called 'Before Sunrise' - cute movie.

    great post :)

  32. Pink Dogwood: I LOVED that maovie too.:-)"lead bread" rhymed :-)

    Guru: Nice that your in-laws and your bro, all stay in the same city!

    Roshan: Good you didnt sing while delivering babies! (or maybe you should have!!) LOL

    Jumpa: thanks!!:-)

    Gazal: glad to hear that! I thought I was the only one!!

    Bins: I thought of actually charging for it--but the guy was very good looking, so i didnt mind so much. heh heh.Dont you like cricket much?

    Ceedy: Was "preety" mundane a typo or on purpose?!! Am curious now!

    Spacemonkey: nice to meet you! I too love the song.

    CU: Honestly it wasnt fun for me--I miss himso much. :(

  33. Raaji: Dancing along with my kids and a peeping tom for company isn't my idea of fun!! I guess grass is always greener on the other side!! Thanks though!

    Prats: Oh yes--happy ugadi.I'm sure u had a great time.

    Pavi: Thats sounds like fun to me!!

    J: i did--and they asked "When do the words start?":P

    Sam: Are you based in Mumbai or pune?I somehow thought u were Pune based.

    Enigma: Fridays off and sundays working--do you ever get used to it?

    Nancy: ha ha --I am SO GLAD that I am not the only one!!

    Adicrazy: Ah!! Sarojninagar shopping brings back fond memories of another time!

  34. Freelance: i didnt learn it.The kids did.They learn so much faster than adults.

    Chitra:That sounded like a perfect sunday!!

    HM: will check out--but I dont want to be stuck with that tune in my head now! Just managed to get Billy joel out!!

    Rohit:Yes--i loved it too--thanks for the mention in your blog.

    Red phoenix: You mean S, dont you? LOL..Who is K? i demand to know!! Is he good looking? ;-)

    Arvind: You'll have to ask YOUR mom for that!:-)

    Thinking aloud: i do miss apartment living.We used to live on the 6th floor before we moved in here.

    Scotty: Didnt know Nano wrimo had poems too--will check out.

    Sue: sorry--thats a very Indian term which stands for 'General knowledge'. Yes--we too used to use chair and drpe bedsheets over them to make tents. Now they attach it to their ready made tent and make passages!

    Devil Mood:Thanks!Not so bad--but still missed him!!

    Brocasarea:Draming is never a waste of time!!

    Solitaire:Thats the best way to spend it!! If i didnt have kids I'd be doing the same too!

  35. Not only did you have a wonderful family time, but you entertained the security guard too!..By the way..all the snow is gone here in UK now!

  36. Niall: yes--I know.S told me :-)


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