Guest post by Satish!!

We celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary on 27th April. I wanted to make this post a memorable one.So I asked Satish if he would write a guest post on my blog--and he liked the idea! So here is the first post written by him.
We are heading for a beach resort to celebrate. (Just the four of us--somehow we both didn't want to leave the kids behind. ) See you all when I get back and have a great weekend!


PS. It’s 13 years since I got married to her. 13 years is indeed a long time and in legal parlance one more year and that would amount to life imprisonment.

This is indeed life imprisonment though in a very pleasant way and yes there is one, regret that I do have.

Why didn’t I meet her earlier! Sounds clichéd indeed. But when you have a friend as good as her and the best companion one could ask for such questions are logical. The 13 years have had their share of ups and downs, no doubt. However when I look back I can only remember the ups.

What can I say about PS?! She is the most straightforward and honest person I have met – calls a spade a spade and at times brutally so and I like that. She is bubbly, vibrant and full of life. Motivates you and brings out the best out of you – made an artist out of even a lousy guy like me. The saying 'Behind every successful man is a great woman' is so apt. She is the best friend one could ask for – loyal and makes an effort to ensure the friendship is kept alive. She is a radiator – radiates energy and acts invariably the agony aunt on whose shoulders everyone including me seems to cry on. She writes beautifully and brings out thoughts and feelings in a unique manner.

A wonderful mother, a fantastic wife, great human being and a superlative friend – that sums her up.

One gets so caught up in day to activities and sometimes tends to forget small things such as just saying ‘Thank you’ to someone who does so much for you and contributes so much to your life – you just take it for granted. Guess there is no better way of doing so than by telling it directly in front of the whole world (PS’s blog is indeed a big part of her world and a large part of the world also seems to think likewise). Thank you my friend!!!!.

And while on the topic of world as I once said to PS a long time back

“To the world you may just be a somebody , but to somebody (me) you mean the whole world.”

Thank you PS for everything.



  1. :) :) :)
    Not bad for a first post. heh heh. Thanks ;-)

  2. How ROMANTIC mam! CONGRATULATIONS to both of you. Beautifully summed up the concept of marriage to the 'yet to begin' guys like me. Hope you 4 have a great outing together. S also writes so well mam! Wow! Great pair indeed. :-)

  3. First of all congrats to the fantastic couple out here.....praying that you'll see many more such wondrous years ahead and of course....traverse many more beaches...;)

    And Satish....all that you said, i'm sure reflects on her too....'cos no partnership can run along without the support of each other...and having read P's blogs we all know how much of a well needed support you've been to your family.
    Your comment in the last...summoned it up beaustifully.


  4. wow..that was lovely post.advanced wishes to both of you..:-)

    I like the similarity he bought up with life imprisonment!!;-P
    and it was so great of you to take the kids along..Sure it should be one memorable trip..

  5. What a wonderful post and even more wonderful is the idea of your hubby doing a guest post!

    I wish you continue to share this beautiful relationship forever!! Happy Anniversary!

  6. Happy anniversary and many, many more to come.

  7. Happy anniversary to both of you!

  8. Happy Anniversary!
    That was beautiful!

  9. Wow!

    First, Congratulations on your anniversary! P, you should get Satish to do some guest posts once in a while.

    I concur with Prats on how mutual support is necessary for a successful partnership. So hats off to both of you, for making it work!!!

    Congratulations and here's to many many more....

  10. What a lovely thing to write satish!You are indeed blessed with someone who is very special..I wish you both every happiness for this your 13th wedding anniversary.I too know what it is to find a soul mate. Have a wonderful break..and may this not be your last contribution !

  11. What a perfect couple you must make! Satish that was a lovely tribute to Preeti. Happy Anniversary to you both. I hope you enjoy your trip. You sound like my husband and I, we wouldn't be able to leave the kids behind either. xoxo

  12. Aww congratulations!
    So you're a radiator, huh? Now where have I heard that before? Great minds think alike :)

    Also your anniversary is on the same day as my uncles' marriage, and they're already married for 34 years works! It's a Taurus birthday, Taurus is represented by Venus's love! :)

  13. Congrats for .. ahh. not the marriage (ok that is secondary) but the fact that after 13 yrs.. u can still make ur better half write so cool things ;-) .. Just kidding

    Have a great bash.. God bless us all

  14. Happy Anniversary!!! Many happy returns of the day!! And congratulations for having found each other. :)

  15. ohhh wow preeti...congrats on ur wedding anniversary....have a gr8 time..njoy...

    it was a gr8 post indeed and u have been described very aptly too.... I alwyas knew from reading your blogs that u were a reaaly bubbly person full of energy and that u do have the power to motivate...u r love reflects in most of ur writings too...may u guys hav a wonderful long life together...hav fun..all the best..GOD BLESS

  16. What a lovely post! Happy Happy Wedding anniversary to both of you and have a fabulous time !
    My Best

  17. Congratulations to both of you,have fun and enjoy :)

  18. Happy Anniversary both of u.
    Lovely post Satish.

  19. Happy Anniversary in advance. Hope u have a blast at the resort.

    What better gift than a tribute from your 'Better Half'. The 'E' in 'The Meaning of Marriage' sums it all up.

    p.s - I bet ur BH is Aquarius;-P.

  20. Congratulations!! I have reason to celebrate too. My husband was born on 27th. Hope you have a good time at the resort.
    Good post by Satish. Very touching. U must b on top of the world! God bless!

  21. Congratulations to both of you!! :)
    Satish just did one of the sweetest posts I've seen in the recent times:) Do write oftener as time permits!

  22. Wow what a lovely post.. Happy anniversary to the best couple around :)

  23. Sweet post :) And I so loved the 'Friendship' u both share! Anyone can get a spouse, but not many find a friend in a spouse!!! Wishes to u both :)

  24. congrats to both of you.. adn well.. perhaps this i sthe best compliment that you cud have received... :)
    i'm sure u r still savoring its taste!! ;)

  25. Hello Satish and PS, Congratulations on the Anniversary. - Colours

  26. All I can say is,

  27. hey, you're tagged....hop'll know what it is about

  28. How sweet!!
    Wish you guys a very happy anniversary!

  29. hey Congratulations on the anniversary and also best wishes for comin years!!!

  30. lovely post.. PS, you got competition if he starts blogging full time :)

  31. This is so cute :-D hope all of u had a great time :-)

  32. WOW! This is one smashing tribute to love from a husband. 13 years and going on stronger...very encouraging to some 3+ years married woman like me.

    Happy anniversary to both of you and have a great time out there.

  33. Hey PS.... A belated Anniversary to both of you...and may you have many more anniversaries....

    Though i do not know much about you, whatever i know is after reading your posts...But i must say i totally agree with your husbands opinion of you...........:)))

    And oh.. of course even i totally agree on the part where "you mentioned you cannot go without leaving your kids behind.."


  34. that was lovely!!

    i wish my guy writes a guest post like that for me too!

    Happy Anniversary!

  35. who said 13 is odd???

    a beautiful anniversary gift...though i m sure you will ask for more.

    and the fact that he ackn your blog being a big part of your life is amazingly cute

    happy anniversary and wish you many many more to come...

    hmmm how did you make him agree to write a guest divulge the secret

  36. Thank you all for the wonderful messages that all of you have sent. I began replying to each one individually--then realised that all messages would have been more or less alike!So--a BIG BIG thanks for the wishes.We got back after a lovely trip

  37. Hope I'm not too late but...

    Happy Anniversary!!!

    WTG, guys :-)

  38. WOW! WOW! That was so beautiful, so cute. Wish you a very very happy anniversary(oh.. sorry belated. ).

  39. Beautiful. Wish you both a lovely life together. And Satish, u really have an amazing sense of humor, couldnt stop laughing reading the begining lines :D

  40. congrats and enjoy the moment:)

  41. very romantic indeed. my hearty congrats to both of you for the road ahead.

  42. Next thing I guess would be asking ur children to write "My mumma and pappas wedding day" Their starting punch line would be
    "Unlike the day they got married, this time we were there to witness their celebration" :D
    My wishes to u and the cute kids u have.... Keep that radiator working....

  43. Congratulations on your anniversary! This is a lovely post!

  44. Congratulations Preets & Satish( belatedly)..& what a lovely post written by Satish for you ..a tribute to the fantastic relationhip you both share. What better gift than this from Satish on your anniversary - appreciation of you as the best friend, mom, & companion. You deserve it all & here's hoping that every day is as special as an anniversary in this journey of togetherness. God Bless you both.

  45. wow.. congratz to the fantastic pair.. i am sooo late.. :(
    what an amzing and romantic testi.. :-D
    hope you both will compliment each otehr and will continues to light up each others life in the comming years too.. :)

  46. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Belated Anniversary wishes.. hope you had a memorable time with the family. And wishing you many more.


  47. Wish the 2 of u a Very Very Happy Wedding Anniversary! May God Bless Both of u and ur family:) n may u have many many more blissful yrs of togetherness!

  48. awww... congratulations u two. we completed 5 years on 25th april. waaaay behind you! hopefully we will also be going strong at 13 years!

    hope it was a blast. God bless


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