Tag--six inconsequential things.

Mary of Momathon tagged me.

The Rules:
Link to the person that tagged you.
Post the rules on your blog.
Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
Well—are any habits really non-important? To others of course they will be non important—but to yourself, every little detail, that goes into making YOU, is important. Right? At least it is for me!

Anyway since I have been tagged, I decided to do it—here are 6 things about me—Important or not!

1. Deep Hatred is an alien emotion for me. I can’t ever remain angry with anyone for long. No matter what they have done. I have had some truly God-awful experiences—things which people did or said to me. I remember the incidents—but the people I have forgiven. It is weird because I have tried to make myself hate them —but I don’t. I forgive so easily. I don’t know why I’m like this—but have accepted that this is how I am.
2. I respond to every single mail I get. (Except the forwards—if they are exceptionally good, I respond to them too)
3. I care truly, deeply and passionately for animals. I abhor cruelty and cringe when I see the extent to which some people can go.
4. Intellectual arrogance and considering yourself smarter than others is one thing I can’t stand. I truly believe that we are all gifted in different ways. Some of us are great at writing—some at Math—some at Art—some at being a wonderful human being. I don’t think it makes one any less than the other.
5. I can laugh and laugh even in the most serious of situations. I find humour in almost anything.
6. Fitness is almost an obsession for me. I work out regularly, eat healthy and drink lots of water. I actually enjoy doing my crunches and my weights.
The ones I’m tagging are:
Devil Mood from 'Love is stronger than pride':(I know you must have done similar tags before.But I so love reading what you write!)
Scotty from frog Prince: Your insights are deep.
Prats Retrospections: Would love to know you a bit better
Tys: Waiting to read !Do it NOW!!
Misti from hope : Want to know more about you

Shru from high spot: Reveal!

Hershey from cave of Wonders: Want to know what you have to say, my friend!

(I know that makes it seven--but anothe little quirk I have is that I hate rules!)


  1. I love this post..

    Now my friend..head on over to my blog and see that you've been given an award!!

  2. This is my first tag. Good it came from you :-)
    Point 4 reminded me of something u showed me a few days ago and I can bet it was on ur mind too LOL!

  3. This is my first tag. Good it came from you :-)
    Point 4 reminded me of something u showed me a few days ago and I can bet it was on ur mind too LOL!

  4. This actually sounds very interesting...though most of your quirks seem familiar....
    Feels like i've been ghosted :)
    Except for the 6th point...just don't know how you do it...

    But you translate that love for people very well and it shows in your work ...

  5. this is a nice tag :) glad to know more about u... and a mom enjoying weights and crunches.. well, i dont want to come infront of u with red marks in my exam pass sheet ;-)LOL

  6. It's such a great thing you can't ever remain angry with anyone for long. That's definitely a good attitude. Keep it up ,sexy mom! ;0)

  7. well, in my books, you failed miserably!!!

    none of the 6 (and even the 7th one you slipped in) are inconsequential or non-important! did you notice?

    all of them were either very relevant, useful or meaningful.

    guess you don't find anything irrelevant or quirky in life? ;-)

  8. pt 4..I so very agree ...

    hey, nice knowing you better...tho i knew you to be most of them :)

  9. All 6 I relate to. Esp the 1st one. Forgiveness and forgetting comes eacy to me. These days am reconsidering forgetting..

  10. hehehe will do :)
    But I must say your list doesn't sound like a list of quirks, even though I prefer it. Isn't it better than "I always put on the right sock before the left?" ;)

  11. Niall: Thanks! I'm honoured.*Takes a bow*

    Shru: of course!You got me there spot on! Heh heh!

    Prats:Thanks! We're two of a kind--except for 6? :-)

    xh: what red marks? heh heh ;-)

    Reign: Thanks for that super compliment!

    Guru: No--I'm a very serious person!:-)BTW, i did say in the beginning that every little thing is impotant to me

  12. Thinking aloud:You know me so well! You are good at figuring me out!:-)

    Rads:How to forget? The more I try, the more indelible it becomes!

    DM: true--not quirks--but maybe habits or things--the tag does say 'qurks, habits or things'And hey--I am waiting to read your next post!

  13. Well, for better or for worse, my quirky bits are ready for your perusal...

  14. I like tags like this. It always helps to get know the other person a little bit more! And I am glad I did!


  15. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Oh boy this sure is turning out to be a taggy season. :P

    And hey, I rem. sending you an email enquiring about a certain piece of art loooooooong time ago.

    Still waiting for the reply :(

  16. Scotty:Thanks for doing it!!

    Vidya: :-)

    J: Which id did you send it to?I dont remember getting any such mail from you.In fact I dont even know your full name (to search for it in junk)Please resend and I shall surely respond.

  17. yes, I can laff even when Im dying..its true PS.



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