The right connection

Really sorry--I have had to remove this post as it will soon appear in a book. Making it available online would have been very unfair to my publisher who has placed so much trust in me. I hope you enjoy the other posts as much as you enjoyed this one. A heartfelt thanks for your support and understanding.Thanks for continuing to read what I write.


  1. haha, what would we be without friends such as these :)

  2. I think I'm an anomaly, I really don't like talking on the phone and I avoid it at all costs. I have always had males for best friends, too!

  3. Your intro was so funny.

  4. Anonymous3:25 AM

    My friend and I meet every monday and just talk for hours at a time. We never even have one of those akward pauses. It never ceases to amaze me.

  5. Ha, your post made me laugh out of loud, the porn! haha!

    I completely understand. I had the same idea in the past, that the best friend thing would change, but it doesn't. When talking to her, it's always the same, it's like we're 17 forever :)

  6. Having hurtled headlong into my fourties and (rather disconcertingly) have begun to steady hurtle up to my fifties..there's one thing that's so important. However, I've forgotten what it is...doh! (Damn you creeping senility!)

    I think you'll find your best friend gets more besterer as time goes on!

  7. Oh thats so good to know!
    I have friends like that all over the world (as a result of living all over the world) and I know the call rates don't seem to hinder you at all! hehe

    Am so glad to know those kinds of things don't stop as you grow older, and somehow end up becoming even more necessary and important.

    Amazing Post.
    - a regular silent reader
    (and not the other shruti that posts on this blog.. I think there a few :S)

  8. Rads: Oh yes!

    Julie: Each to his own! You dont have to be like the rest of us! I have very few women friends.So I really value them.And I talk on the phone for this long ONLY to this friend.

    Nessa: :-)

    Freelance:Oh the joys of such a friendship!

    DM: And its funny--I never even knew her in my teenage years.We met only about 7 years back.So maybe we are making up for lost time!

    Niall: :-)I hope ALL my best freinds get besterer! ;-)

    Shruti: Glad you spoke up!And I'd have thought it was the other Shruti.Nice to have friends all over the world. Oh yes--call rates do not hinder one! :-)

  9. That was great. It is so good to have somebody you can talk with so well Isn't it Peetri. I am not really a phone person. Except when I talk to my friend in Holland. Than time dissappears and we talk for ages. Wonderful.

  10. **law of International telephony.
    So aptly put..somehow its only when the rates get higher, do the calls also get more urgent...
    so fully understand this need to yack on the phone...sometimes....It happens with my husband too...and when the phone bills hit the ceiling...I know where to look....(look sheepishly at the sky)

    And how can your best friend get smaller with years...they only get bonded stronger....hurtling along with our naughty forties

  11. Preeti, you are lucky to have a friend like that... very few people can be friends at the soul-level. I am one of the unlucky ones... but yeah, i have a soulmate cum friend in my little sister, who is the center of my life. So, i don't have bills to battle !!

  12. tell me about mom has given up trying to understand how i can talk to one of my best friends for upto 4 hours straight sometimes...

    ...that is until i remind her that if i were to count the minutes/hours for each call SHE makes to her best friend in a would def break my 4 hr record!!

    what would we do without our gfs.. :)

  13. wow! there are very few people you can connect with at all are indeed very lucky to have someone like that and so is your friend! :) I liked the bit about the husband pretending not to hear but listening to every bit!! How true!! :D

  14. Marja: Oh yes --it is.I too am not a phone person at all--but to this friend I can really talk.

    Prats: Yep! Nothing deters true friendship.

    Punam:You are lucky to have a sister!I don't have one--this friend comes close.

    Sunshine: Ha ha ha--your mom too talks to her friend--Thats amazing. True about girlfriends.

    Pretty woman: ha ha ha..Husbands --all of them are alike!

  15. hmm.. I am too.. addicted I mean.. to phones I mean.. I miss my best friend.. she is in India now on a vacation and as she returns I would be going off .. we stick to emails meanwhile.. but when we are in the same country (no international calls for us!! :() we talk to each other for hours every 5-6 days!!!!!

  16. was blog hopping and came across yours :0). . .The telephone is such a boon isn't it?I wonder how people lived in the pre-telephone era!

  17. I'm so glad you were wrong too! At nearing 67 I can say there are somethings you can say to a girl friend you don't say to your sweet husband and some things I can to talk to him about that I can't say to any one else. Friends, best friends are few and far between and must be cherished for what they are. The Best!

  18. I'm assuming this is the friend who is sis-like. Ur really lucky! On second thoughts, SHE is the lucky one!!! Need I say more??:)

  19. Oh! and m glad to hear tat u met her only 7 years back. Which means I have plenty of time to make more close friends. I thot all of such relations were posible only with childhood bumchums!!

  20. thank god for friends and phones and emails :)

    About phone rates - I remember when I was engaged and my husband was in India and I was in US and remember calling him when phone rates were $5/min - my dad almost had a heart attack once when his phone bill was twice as much as his mortgage payment :)

    love reading your blog!!

  21. “Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer.”

    really enjoyed reading ur blog. i dont knw abt u but all the firm friends i have are all school & college mates...friends i made years ago. nowadays i find it very difficult to make 'best' friends if u knw wht i mean.

  22. Porn hehe..

    Good to have a friend like that eh? Lucky you.

    My best friend is my lifeline....
    Can't do without her!!

  23. i dont like talking on fact iam pretty anal about it ...wife has told me that i sound absolutely evil tempered on the fone with my 'hmmm' and 'huh' s...fone to me is an intrusion...a necessity nowadays but an intrution most of the time...i really wish fones were used only for emergencies..

  24. u can say Im a chatterbox but its funny how I dun like chatting for too long on the fone. :)


  25. You are so lucky to have such a friend! I'm afraid that having had male friends, they became phone shy when distnace became a factor, or when they got a new girlfriend.

    As the adverts over here used to say: It's good to talk.

  26. dats snd so cool.. well fo rme its more than 3 hrs in a day thnx to vodafone.. but then dats with my girl!!
    and with my best pal.. well wen we have done 3-4 hrs on an avg in a day... plus e-mails during work hours... :D

  27. yeah very true
    but you are just talking about a telephone... we friends usually say "what would we do with a CELL PHONE"
    technology has its ways to get us all dependent on it.


  28. It's so good to have someone you can rely upon, is't it? I too have a best friend like this, we met in the first semester of college (that was 21 years ago) and our friendship has only grown better over time. I'm glad it was me who introduced him to his future wife, and every new achievement he gets (a new job, first house, the two kids...) makes me as happy as him, since they make me feel so much a part of their own family. As a child I was an extremely shy boy, and never imagined I'd have such an enduring friendship one day. Lucky us!


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