Don't you like it?

Really sorry--I have had to remove this post as it will soon appear in a book. Making it available online would have been very unfair to my publisher who has placed so much trust in me. I hope you enjoy the other posts as much as you enjoyed this one. A heartfelt thanks for your support and understanding.Thanks for continuing to read what I write.


  1. Hilarious Preeti. ROFL :))

  2. hi again - I think I am hooked on to your blog :)

    ball story is hilarious :)

  3. hehe
    Something similar happened to me when I was teen.
    I went to the grocery shop with a friend and we asked the man if he had tomatoes (in portuguese tomatoes mean balls too!) and he replied: yes, they're right in front of you! And he was right in front of us!

    We started laughing uncontrolably and he didn't thought it was very funny. The tomatoes were also there, I guarante you.

  4. Hey! I just had Chinese food today, for the first time in ages!
    (No balls, though)

    If I had to do the conferences with my after school kiddies, I'd have a hard time... 15 minutes at least! Plus, I have trouble speaking my mind. I would worry I'd hurt someone's feelings.

  5. That must have been hilarious.
    I didn't know that you were a preschool teacher. A couple of years ago I did relieving work on preschools and loved it. I agree with you on the TV

  6. HAHAHA...i can imagine the look on the faces..priceless...that should have been photographed!!!

  7. LOL.. :) that was funny :) been in that kind of soup lotsa times :)

  8. LOL.. :) that was funny :) been in that kind of soup lotsa times :)

  9. Simply hilarious!!!

    I did something very stupid like this too. But being a sport I am (beating my own trumpet ehh? :D), I will tell youabout it.

    Anirudh, my son, got this instant liking to the soft cloth ball that we had got for him when he was barely 5 months young. One day we had lots of guests over at home and he everyone was talking about him and then someone asked me what his fav toy was and I, without thinking for a second, said aloud "He loves playing with balls!" :P Now you can surely imagine the looks on everyones faces :D

  10. Chitra: After I wrote it last night, i myself couldnt stop laughing.

    Pink Dogwood--thanks!I like your blog too!

    Nessa:Heh heh.

    DM: That is HILARIUOS--after I read your comment I laughed some more!!

  11. Sue: True--speaking to parents was very tiresome.Er---why didnt you have balls?Dont you like it? LOL

    Marja:Yes--I used to be a preschool teacher.Loved it then.I love wotking with children.

    Thinking aloud:Oh yes--wish i ahd a camera.

    xh: heh heh--i can only imagine!

    NM: ha ha ha--its better than saying that YOU like playing with balls! LOL

  12. suddenly everybody here is interested in playing with balls - veggie ones, cloth ones, one that resemble tomoatoes, etc! as if that was not enough, some people also want to garnish it with various sauces and all! i don't know about the other guys here, but i sure feel queasy just reading all this. just like i felt queasy reading all the bobbit-related news items! :P

    i've attended a few pta meetings at my kids' school (though my wife will have you believe that i had ignoble intentions which actually prompted my enthusiastic participation!. i've noticed some parents getting really aggressive about their kids with the teachers. either trying to get into minute details as if their kids can be programmed based on the feedback. or they are trying very hard to justify why their kids are special and need more attention/leniency/strictness/etc!

    and then there are the parents who are pretty cool about their kids. not that they don't care or are unconcerned. you can't help but admire them.

  13. ohohohoo.. I cant stop laughing!! =))=))

  14. Hilarious!! This just reminded me of something similar that happened to me. I think I'll write a post about it. My blog needs some non-parent material on it as well :P

  15. That was really funny! A perfect way to relax after such a hard day :)

  16. Oh, I must say I'm impressed with what Devil Mood said! In Brazilian Portuguese, tomatoes and balls are completely different things! LOL

    In fact the Portuguese language does have a bunch of other words with diverging meanings in Portugal and Brazil, and that also creates a lot of funny situations and jokes. :)


  18. So..were they deep fried or totally Wok'd?...even the use of chopsticks is causing me to wince!...

  19. god..its going to be long long time before I order that dish again...pity, I rather liked it.

    btw, those parents who plop their kids in front of tv, the ones you want to slap..
    nothing more subtle than using big cue cards " TV = BAD. BOOK = GOOD "
    They should get the message.

    For effect try using a big stick to point out the words.

  20. god..its going to be long long time before I order that dish again...pity, I rather liked it.

    btw, those parents who plop their kids in front of tv, the ones you want to slap..
    nothing more subtle than using big cue cards " TV = BAD. BOOK = GOOD "
    They should get the message.

    For effect try using a big stick to point out the words.

  21. Lol.....Actually that particular dish has always left me giggling sounds so not dishlike....

  22. I definitely did not see that coming!
    an excellent hilarious post!

    - the other shru

  23. ps - thanks for dropping by on my blog! :D

  24. Anonymous3:35 AM

    well that story was a load of balls....

  25. Preeti~
    Talk about hitting the funny bone.
    If I were the waiter I would have replied...Sir, I didn't know vegetables HAD balls!

    Cute story, hope you are well!!!

  26. Hey there..
    how u doing.. i see u have a huge fan following here ma'm

  27. Laughter the best gave a right dose of it to all here.Just cant keep laughing..
    next visit to a chinese joint I have to skip that page it is listed .otherwise people around going to look at me strangely !

  28. I actually love meat balls but Iam too shy to ask for it in a restaurant...i love to drink slippery nipple but i dont know how to ask that from a waitress...

    its just goddamn tough to eat out nowadays

  29. Lol..this ones so funny!! I guess these lil hilarious moments make life worth living..
    And you DONT like vegetable balls in hot garlic sauce??;)

  30. Lol..this ones so funny!! I guess these lil hilarious moments make life worth living..
    And you DONT like vegetable balls in hot garlic sauce??;)


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