Light and Warmth

Sometimes I feel that most relationships are like a candle. They keep burning until a strong breeze extinguishes them—or until the wax lasts. If you do not want the candle to go out, you have to protect it from the wind. And you have to light another one, before this one goes out, so it can be replaced while the melted wax is still hot. If you fail to do that, you have to start from the beginning, all over again.

My children were delighted with this innovative candle holder that they made, out of an old box, which was on its way to the garbage bin. They were really proud of what they created from ‘waste’. It gave them so much joy. And it gave me so much joy. For a while. Till it lasted.

Life is a lot like that. Enjoy the warmth it gives out and make the most of it, while it lasts. I do.

Meanwhile I came across this poem by Emily Dickinson —about light and warmth.About forgetting. I loved it, and thought I’d share it. Hope you enjoy it too.

Heart We Will forget him

Heart, we will forget him,
You and I, tonight!
You must forget the warmth he gave,
I will forget the light.

When you have done pray tell me,
Then I, my thoughts, will dim.
Haste! ‘lest while you’re lagging
I may remember him!

--Emily Dickinson


  1. Wow, quite innovative, even i like making things out of waste, will try this sometime :-)

  2. Anonymous8:45 PM

    nice candle holder!d and s liked it too

  3. hii,
    The photo of both kids is sooo cute... both look just like u :)N nice poem too..

  4. Misti: I'll tell my kids.They will be delighted.

    Bharathi: It was you who gifted me that candle--so you remember?One was yellow and the other was green.Beautiful ones.

    Diya: I'll tell my husband that you said both look like me!! :-)He will be jealous :-)Actaully Atul looks a lot like him--and purvi looks exactly like me, when I was small.Striking resembalnce to mini-me--even i am stunned!

  5. Oh they look so cute! :)
    I think everything has an expiration date - the good and the bad things and we need to be aware of it. nothing lasts forever, that's why the present is "a present".

  6. I loved this poem too - it spoke to me. you are right, you have to enjoy the warmth when you can adn I am doing that too.

    Love that your children are happy being creative. They must get it from you!

  7. Devil Mood: Well said.he present is indeed a present!

    Bob-Kat: I too found that the poem really spoke to me.Brilliant in its simplicity--yet profound and amusing!Rare combination.

  8. I am so moved: by the box. by the boys. by the poem. There is a wonderful pucker of love throughout this post, a direct reflection of your life. I am warmed and enlightened; I am buoyed and lightened.

  9. P.S., Ps---you almost published my favorite Emily Dickinson poem. Almost. I will post it soon and you will see. Be thee vigilant for such.

  10. loved the poem. Thanks for sharing it. Your kids so pleased with their creation.

  11. Candles represent so much to us..a light in a window to guid a lost one celebrate a say a warm.. to wish you happy birthday. To me they sybolise love and hope, a memory that lives when you're not thinking it.

    Life is the flame must be protected and nurtured..You have once again lit the fire of inspiration Preeti!!Thank oyu.

  12. Gawpo: That is my son and my daughter.So it is a boy and a girl.I'll tell my daughter that you thought she was a boy--she will be thrilled!She wants to be JUST LIKE her older brother.She thinks her older brother is the greatest--she likes to wear his old clothes,and plays 'WWF' like him (yes--they pretend to be wrestlers and roll on each other bare chested!)She is only 5--so I let her enjoy her 'idealism' while it lasts!! :-)
    My son is still waiting for your email id.

    Tim:Yes, they were so happy with what they created.The joy is so obvious on their faces.

    Niall:Candles to me,symbolise life and hope.They are so beautiful,when lit.

  13. I had forgotten all about that poem. Thank you for reminding me. It also goes well with my post.
    I love candels, too. They are all over my house, watching the flame is so relaxing and always makes me feel warmer and peaceful inside. Amazing to me how one tiny little flame makes such a difference.

  14. Wut! A goil? I had no idea. I will go back and look after posting this. I sent the email address. I thought the young tyke was blowing me off! LOL. Here it is:

  15. Maybe it went to a spam folder??? Let me know. I am worried, because I did send it immediately after receiving the invitation. Please convey! Immediately, I say. IMMEDIATELY!!!!
    (calm, gawpo, calm. it's okay. there, there now....yes. everything will be just fine. just fine. Ps strokes gawpo's forehead as his nostrils pulse less rapidly. Ps feeds gawpo some oats and gawpo sighs with comfort and relief.....)

  16. Gawpo--that was hilarious.Now I must supervise my son's mail to you.I must must must :-)

  17. I am beaming! Yes, it is unwise to relinquish supervision when Uncle Gawpo is around. Just ask Cindra. She is making me sign a document for my trip to take her to her dentist for oral surgery tomorrow. Go read what she has written about said document.


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