Kite runner or Chasing daylight?

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'Kite runner' by Khaled Hosseini and 'Chasing Daylight' by Eugene O'Kelley, (the late CEO of KPMG.) Both are books that I want to read. Yet, another thing on my list that I simply must do. So much to do. So little time.

How are they connected to my collage painting that I’ve displayed? I cannot decide what to call the picture-- “Kite runner” or “Chasing day light” ( In no way connected to the books—they are just titles that I liked).Let me explain the picture to you.

It was again done for a friend, but this friend says not to mention his name—so I won’t! The picture shows a little boy, who is actually an adult (see the white streaks in his hair?) chasing a kite. The road he runs on is grey. A bit like life. There are very few blacks and whites in life. Mostly it is grey and a mostly it is also a lot of colour.
The little boy is running so fast, that everything around him is a blur. There is beautiful colour that surrounds him, but it is a hazy blur, because he is running and not not stopping to look. The kite has dice on them (Isn’t life a gamble?) The road he is running on, slowly turns into a snake. But the boy doesn’t know that yet, because it is a long, long road. The snake can turn around and swallow the boy, or it can gobble up the kite. The kite is decorated with forked tongue like the snake. Somehow makes it more alluring.

Aren’t we all like that little boy? Chasing kites? Or chasing daylight?
What do you think? Of the picture, the philosophy and the title?


  1. you were right..I do like this picture. Reminds me of some of the surrealists paintings!
    Also I thought i'd mention a famous road here in Derbyshire called 'The Snake Pass' which is high up in the 'Peaks'..a windy road that is always the first to become blocked when it snows.

    The Kite Runner is a wonderful book..being made into a film at the moment I believe!

  2. Anonymous7:32 PM

    I actually 'understood' the painting..though it made for a different meaning for me!the serpent road dor me was the rat race..pointless, dangerous and exciting!It was a visual treat!

  3. Niall: Am glad you liked it.Thank you.

    Bharathi: That is exactly what I was trying to convey.You understood perfectly!That means my picture is good :-) Thanks!!

  4. hi
    yeah a little like my post.. Hey remember i learnt collage from u when i was a kid.. ;)

  5. Diya: I dont remember! Did I really teach you? If so where are the collages on your blog ?:-) :-)And you didnt praise my picture!!! Ha ha ha.

  6. Anonymous9:37 PM

    A true picture of today’s existence. We are all like that “adult child” who is running towards an illusive success i.e. the kite, and in doing so he is not enjoying the beautiful moments of life. He will not realize what he has missed till he reaches the tail of the snake, and suddenly the success which seemed all important to him would become the very cause of his downfall and the very road he traveled to reach there would gobble him down. However, P in your painting the “adult child” still has a choice, he still can turn back and he still can enjoy the colors of life. A great painting, so true to life, which teaches a simple lesson of slowing our lives and being happy in simple things. :-)I loved the title; I really think we are like the kite runner who is chasing the illusive daylight.

  7. You are so right - life is all grey. Anything that appears black and white is always grey on closer inspection. I think it's a little sad that the boy is missing things as he is running by them too fast to look but running is also a joyful feel adn flying a kite is a link to childhood for the adult I think. It's a great picture and I love how the road turns into the snake.

  8. Actually your picture reminded me of some lines from a poem:

    'What is this life if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare. No time to stand beneath the clouds and stare as long as sheep and cows'.

    It's a pity the boy is chasing the kite so fast that he doesn't notice the things around him.

  9. I LOVE this picture! It's beautiful! And so symbolic. I like the secret (and not so secret) meanings behind things and I'm sure your friend will love this.
    Oh the title...hmmm:
    I'd call it kite-runner!

  10. I like this picture, there are so many different points in it. The first title that came to mind because of the old/young boy was Chasing Yesterday so I'm no help at all.

  11. Hi PS :)Nice to meet you
    I like this picture,I feel that boy
    represents human beings ,Kite represents desires.Human beings are always after desires ,pursuing their desires they will go and go until they reach their death.
    Tahnkyou for visiting my blog,You r an exellent artist.

    good day & a nice week end

  12. Anonymous2:17 AM

    My you're just full of suprises aren't you!
    Not only a mother of 2, a philisopher, a lyrical writer and a pretty picture, you're also a surrealist painter as well.

    Very beautiful and poetic, it did not need the explanation, your ideas speak for themselves.

  13. Looks like Chasing The Dragon. But we don't want to go there, now do we?

  14. the picture is great you hve done a great job. it is full of symbolism, i love the road turning into a snake

  15. I LOVE the picture; it's brilliant!


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