Age is just a meaningless number

No, this picture wasn’t done by me. It was done by some one who admires me a lot. He thinks I am really good at Art. I have told him that I am just mediocre. But love and admiration are strange things. I fail to convince him. I have pointed him to Niall’s blog and I truly do not have even one tenth the talent that Niall does.
Nevertheless, he still thinks I am terrific. No, I am not complaining .It is quite amusing, actually. Not to say, it works wonders for my ego.
So, he wanted to try his hand at a collage painting. He has no art back ground whatsoever. He just wanted to do it, because I do it. I told him how to. He went through lots of old magazines, to find the pictures that he wanted. This is what he made.

I really liked it. For a first time and for someone with no art training at all, I think it is remarkably good.

Can you guess his age?
Will give you the answer in the end, after I get all your comments.


  1. That's a very colourful collage and it has a joyful feel to it. I really don't want to hazard a guess at the age of the artist as I believe physical age has little to do with what is in people's hearts and heads :-)

    Your work is excellent btw. Different from Niall's but that is what makes it yours :-)

  2. Tyler : Thank you!!

    Bob-kat:You are so good for my soul!

  3. Way cool image. He's so fun!

  4. I am more interested in knowing what it means P, my interpretation a man drunk in his success...But, definately wonderful :-)

  5. He's making a toast with you. Cheers! :)
    Like you said, age is a meaningless number so...I'll just appreciate the collage!

  6. hmm..must be in his mid 20s or 30s..

    seeing as the rather funny pose he has made here..definitely in his 20s..

  7. Bobkat is is a very joyful picture..and Misti is also correct speaking about the nature of the person..despite the is a colour that projects confidence..and here it surrounds him!..The brush strokes are also confident and at the same time constrained ie. not over done. As for the person's age..umm....the pieces of the collage are not cut out all that carefully I guess it's someone very young?

    I love the pictures you post every now and then...!!!!

  8. Intriguing! I'm going to guess he's in his early 20s...

  9. I am going to guess 8 years old. When I saw the collage, and as you described it, I was thinking young adult. Someone in their 20s. But I know a little girl who is an old soul and she is amazing. I am guessing that this is an amazing 8 year old you have there.

  10. Okay, maybe 10. But not 9. Definitely not 9. Either 8 or 10. That's my final answer.

  11. I am assuming the talented young artist to be your son, he already has a wonderful grasp of color and how to make it work together.
    You are a very imaginative and brave artist with a lot of talent. I love your view of the world and how it comes through in your art.


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